Admin, please delete the post if this is inappropriate.
Hello Breast Cancer Haven community, my name is Emma (currently 26 years old) and I am based in Melbourne, Australia. This message is to reach out to the BC patients/survivor and caregivers/supporters.
I am part of a Global Hackathon to create tech solutions to unify against breast cancer - girls-in-tech-hack-challeng... during this uncertain time.
Before stepping into the tech solution, I am hoping to understand the current roadblock or pain points that women are facing today. My goal is to increase breast cancer awareness, early detection/screening, and promote prevention, monitor treatments, and address health disparities especially for women of color.
I have created 2 survey to help me understand further:
1. If you are a caregiver/supporter:
2. If you are BC patient/survivor:
Any assistance for this tech project to help women in this society would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance,