A few days ago found a lump had taken residence 'neath my breast, and I'm opting for a proactive frame of mind. 1st appointment booked, told a friend who'll keep it on the low. Joined this group for distraction and went to seek healthful new habits and herbs. This resulted in purchase of Maitaki mushroom powder and turmeric to have as a daily sip with organic bone broth and dash of pepper. That's my new daily live-it healthy habit. What are your healthier, proactive habits that help you folks going strong since discovery of lump/swelling or diagnosis?
Maitaki mushroom powder and turmeric.... - My Breast Cancer ...
Maitaki mushroom powder and turmeric. Thoughts?
I’d love to know why you chose that mushroom and bone broth for your potion. I have a daily green juice- kale Spring greens cucumber celery lettuce and ginger with Chlorella Powder kelp powder and some chia. And I eat a predominately raw plant food diet, avoiding sugar most Carbs soya and dairy. The juice is alkalising and hydrating is healing for the gut and fills me with lots of super vitamins. Dairy is acid Forming. Cancer doesn’t like an alkaline environment. Sugar and carbs feed cancer but add calories With presoaked Nuts if you are already Slim! I’ve also done a lot of Work to clear Toxicity in the mind and nearly 16 years after the first Diagnosis am in the best mental health ever despite two Recurrences.
And best of all, I’m alive!
Sending love Fx