More tests, will the worry ever end? - My Breast Cancer ...

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More tests, will the worry ever end?

TrishLamb profile image
11 Replies

I’ve been having sharp pains that start from the upper part of my back and seem as if they come through to the front of my chest, also rib pain on my BC side. I saw my HP a few weeks ago and she said if it continued she’d send me for an X-ray. One thing or another I hadn’t managed to get back until today, I saw another GP who agreed a thoracic X-ray was needed.... so I went today, cried my eyes out all the way through as I’m scared (again).... I’ve now got up to a week wait as the local hospital doesn’t a consultant radiologist to look at X-ray and do report...

does this worry ever end? I’m scared

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TrishLamb profile image
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11 Replies

Hello Tricia

Ah, pet I’m afraid it does go from one thing to another, l developed pain in my back after my first Chemo, l could follow it round from my Mastectomy Scar, they put me on Slow Released Morphine & Oromorph as the pain was +++ l had to have a Bone Scan incase the Cancer had spread but it was in fact Nerve Pain, l was very concerned that it was Bone Cancer as my tumour was very aggressive.

But thankfully it wasn’t.......

Chemo can go to your weak spots that’s why the nerve pain was on my Operation Scar & the pain went to my bones particularly my knees again a weak spot for me.

So if l can offer you any comfort, please keep that in mind until you get your results.

How are you doing otherwise?

Kind Regards

Angela xx

TrishLamb profile image
TrishLamb in reply to

Thank you Angela, I’ve been having joint pain (knees and wrist) I did ask the physio about the pain and asked if it was nerve pain but she just said it was best to see my GP. I’m still struggling with cording and having regular physio. I’m feeling really well at the min (bar the pains) and feeling fairly confident about next weeks chemo... although I’m a bridesmaid 10 days after, so hopefully my energy levels will be ok for it, and my hair will be behaving.

Trish x

in reply to TrishLamb

Actually the best people to talk to are the Staff/Doctor on the Chemo Unit, l never saw my GP in the 5months l was having Chemo, they always said to ring them & they prescribed everything l needed, except for my repeats Meds which l just ordered online.

They have a greater understanding of the issues patients are going through & there was always a Doctor on Duty even if it was the Duty Nurse or Sister l spoke to or saw in person.

Don’t be afraid to take pain Meds if you are in pain, you can always ask the Team for their advice.

Glad your hairs OK & by day 10 Post Chemo you’re always on the up.

Take Care 🌸

Angela xx

Gittelarter profile image
Gittelarter in reply to

Hi Mrs Nails

I have been called to a bone scan after experiencing some pain in my back. CT scan showed nothing so now a bone scan???? I have had a look at a video and it looks quite scary, it actually looks like it touches you. Is that the case? It also takes up to an hour, really??

Love Gitte x

in reply to Gittelarter

Hi Gitte

Sorry to hear about your pain, it’s always a worry!

The Bone Scanner is very much like the CT Scanner maybe slightly bigger but it’s exactly the same, you lay on the bed, quite narrow like the CT Bed & you pass through the tunnel, it’s like a big Polo Mint! Are you having the Isotope before? I did & it wasn’t a problem at all.

Good Luck 🍀

Let us know how you get on.

MrsN x

in reply to

PS Yes it’s much slower than the CT & depends if they are doing your whole body, the Polo Mint Bit is over the area being scanned. So your face is not in the tunnel if they are doing your knees if you know what l mean! 🍀

Gittelarter profile image
Gittelarter in reply to

Thanks for your reply, yes I’m having an injection first then haven’t to wait 3 hours before the scan which is a whole body scan, gonna be a long day so better bring a good book. I will keep in touch xxxx

in reply to Gittelarter

I went for my injection then went out for lunch & came back as l didn’t want to sit there all that time xx

carolinenailsea profile image

Hi Tricia

You feel that its all under control and that you are coping really well then something else comes along and knocks you side ways. It seems to me that it will always be like this. Its always a worry in the back of your mind that something sinister is going on. I hope you are able to enjoy the wedding and put the worries behind you for a t least the one day. Best wishes Caroline

TrishLamb profile image

Had results of X-ray yesterday ...... NORMAL!!! Yay big relief, I’ve realised now I will live with a consultant fear of ‘did they get it all’ or ‘is it back’ for the rest of my life. I had a good chat with my GP who said if I have any concerns, lumps, bumps, pains anything to go and see them straight away and not leave it until I have a list of ailments (which is what people tend to do), she was so lovely and reassuring me that it’s ok to be paranoid about pains and that they would rather check than me suffer in silence.... knowing my GP isn’t going to be thinking ‘here she is again’ gives me confidence to know that IF I have any issues they will take it seriously.... I hope your all doing well! My next chemotherapy is tomorrow (No 2) my hair started failing out on Sunday but I’m still positive, I’m here and I’ve good news...sending you all blessings

TrishLamb profile image

Having a ct scan Monday as I may have a clot or clots on my lung apparently the X-ray wouldn’t have shown clots, I’m been sent home on blood thinner injections. My oncologist said it’s common in someone with an active cancer like yours....... what does that mean??? She said it so casual it didn’t register until after she left....

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