Good evening! I’m in a bit of pain this evening so thought I would check in with you lovely lot. I had a bone scan in January which was clear after mastectomy to right Breast last June and immediate TUG reconstruction. Have had persistent hip pain hence bone scan in January but nothing spotted. Since then my hip pain has persisted but now joined by tailbone pain since March which is so bad sometimes that I hate to sit down. If my bone scan was clear in January I feel it’s unlikely that it would be anything scary and I feel a fraud contacting the open access nurse but don’t want to survive on painkillers for the foreseeable future. Has anyone experienced tailbone pain before that can help? Bev
Tailbone pain: Good evening! I’m in a... - My Breast Cancer ...
Tailbone pain

Absolutely contact the Open Access Nurse or your doctor's office with any and all concerns, I say! That's how I operate. They are there to help.
If you are in pain you must seek help, no one should have to take pain killers all the time.
Hi there. I had a double mastectomy last December and since January I'm hardly able to walk with the pain. I've had xrays and 4 mri's and they say I have gluteal tendonopathy and bursitis and that I have a problem with my hip joint and seal. The pain is very wearing and I'm on painkillers every day. I'm currently doing muscle strengthening exercises with the physio which are helping slightly. I was told it could be as a result of the operation and the fact that I am carrying myself differently. It's very depressing coz I can't exercise or walk properly and the weight is piling on. I would go see about it again because you need your quality of life back. Best of luck. X
You really have been through the mill I hope somebody can help you with the pain 😞 I am walking like a little old lady - when I stand up it takes me a while to get going as I’m so stiff even after only 20 minutes sitting down. Pain is exhausting isn’t it? Xx
Hi jozzers, it's probably nothing to worry about but if the pain is persisting please go back and ask for further tests, you aren't wasting any one's time. If the pain hasn't been explained you need an explanation for your own peace of mind at the very least. Any pain like this after breast cancer which lasts for more than 2 weeks needs a proper investigation.