Evening everyone ...I was wondering if everyone going to oncology gets offered the Oncotype dx scoring test ....I think that's what they call it xxxx
Oncotype dx scoring : Evening everyone... - My Breast Cancer ...
Oncotype dx scoring
Not everyone is eligible , this link shows the people who can have it , it is of no use to anyone who doesn't fit the type - it is not that others (myself included) are missing out , it just doesn't work unless you fit the criteria.
Jo x
Thankyou for that .. do you have to meet all of the criteria...or just some? X
And what the difference between stage and grade? X
Hi I think it's all the points - stage is to do with how far the cancer has grown or spread , stage numbers go from 0 to 4 , 0 being pre-cancerous, stage 1 is very early , stage 2 a bit bigger , 3 normally with a local spread , and 4 metastatic, i.e. It has spread elsewhere in the body. The grade is how aggressive the cancer is, and is graded 1 to 3 , so you can have a stage 0 grade 3 cancer or stage 3 grade 1, with the grade number 1 being the least aggressive and 3 most aggressive - does that help or have I confused you ? X
Lol I'm confused ..I don't know stage but I'm grade 3 which is the rate it grows ...
It's like learning a new language ... may be worth calling your breast care nurse to ask her what type you are for definate and how much she thinks you will be offered chemo ? X
Yes I did that .. she said I was 0 stage and grade 3 ..
She said in an ideal world every one would be offered chemo .. as breast cancer responds so well to it . It's likely I'll be offered it ...but to speak to oncologist .. I think I need to look into how to preserve my hair and keep well ... if hey say I need to have it xxxx