Good evening everyone ...I just wondered if anyone is having anxiety symptom's ...I have pains in my chest, stomach is burbling, dry mouth, I'm trembling at nights, cant sleep too much and when I do I wake up too early ....of course I'm now thinking this is because of my lump and the cancer is spreading ...I'm on my feet all day ...I'm working too much to keep my mind occupied ...any tips on how to relax and get some rest to get these symptoms out of the way ..ive tried breathing and it does help but just for a little while when I remember whats going on there anything herbal I can take to calm me down ...hope everyone so ok tonight ....lots of love to you all xxx
Help to relieve anxiety symptoms .. - My Breast Cancer ...
Help to relieve anxiety symptoms ..

Hi I have been recently diagnosed and my lumpectomy is on 4/8 followed by radio. I've been trying to keep busy and still going to work apart from today as couldn't face it and took a days leave. Since being diagnosed I have noticed every ache and pain including rib pain, pains in back and chest and its making me paranoid but i've put it down to anxiety. From what I have read on here this is normal. ( Waiting for treatment to start is awful and contributes to anxiety)
Maybe you should take some time off work and spend time doing what you want to do and pamper yourself. I went to the gym today and then to Tesco to buy a cheap cotton bra for when I have surgery and have just pottered around the house. If your anxiety gets worse maybe you should speak to your DR.
I hope this helps and best wishes xxx
Thank you for your reply ...I thought so ..I give myself a good talking to but you know how it is ..our brains ect ....I have lots to keep me busy ,,,night times are the worse and I seem to wake up at 4.30 am all the time ...still ill just have early nights and watch tv when I'm awake ... the consultant said I would have radio after surgery ...which is ok ...but it was adding that I might have chemo after that freaked me out, still will have to wait and see ....your messages help a lot ...hope your doing ok ..stay in touch I have my lumpectomy 31st July ..and I'm away next weekend so not much more time to dwell ..hopefully xxx Hope you have a nice day today xxxx
If you have a smartphone there is an app called Headspace which was recommended to me and I have found useful too.
Jo x
Yes keep in touch. My op was booked for 31/7 but changed it to 4/8 as away that weekend . The wait is like mental torture Like you I find it hard to sleep but not too long now xx
Good Morning op is 31/7 ...I had a fright yesterday ...I had a water infection ...I went Drs crying thinking it had spread ..but I was assured it cant spread like that ...and the dr read out my letter from hospital ...and it says that the lymph biopsy was clear ...which gives me hope ...I slept all night last night till 6 this morning, which is brilliant and I feel a bit better ...its my birthday today so I have decided to give myself a day ...not thinking about it ....I'm going on a camping festival next Thursday, so keeping busy for that ...and when I get back I have a week to get ready for op .. the only thing that really is bothering me is the prospect of having chemo ...but it was only a might ???
hope you have a good weekend ...lets stay positive xxx
Happy Birthday and good news your lymph biopsy was clear.
Enjoy your camping festival , ive not been to one for a few years but they are great for chilling out and enjoying yourself.
Have a good weekend. xx
Thank you ...yes I'm looking forward to it ..its going to be a great distraction, called the nurse to see if we are able to take our daughter to London end of august ...and she said yes and they will try to get my results to me before ....lets hope its positive news so we can celebrate /...Hope your ok ...and finding a peaceful space ...the waiting and the unknown is rally the hardest bit ....but I guess having a lumpectomy on its own and a clear lymph biopsy and able to take time out in between op is all positive stuff this situation ...have a nice Saturday xxx
Take one day at a time. Try not to worry so much about chemo. If they do decide to go that route, I promise you it is survivable. I have just come through it and whilst it was hard, it was bearable and the medics did everything they could to minimise the side effects. After chemo I had surgery and they found that all the cancer had gone. I therefore have the chemo to thank for giving me the all clear. It did work for me. Best of luck with the surgery and the treatment that follows. You will get through this. Caroline xx
Well not long for me now ..op on Monday say I'm sh***ting it is an understatement ...don't usually swear but lately I have ....are you OK? Been thinking of you a lot wish we could talk to each may help x
Hi was thinking about you too as remembered your op is on Monday. it's so emotionally draining being diagnosed but we have to stay positive. I'm sure the op will go well and then we can deal with the next step one at a time. I'm just on my way to manchester for a family wedding and then back for my op Friday. I'm replying on my phone so can't work out how to pm. but if you pm me I can give you my phone or fb. Try and keep busy it will be over before you know it. Take care and best wishes xxx
Ohhh how lovely a wedding ..enjoy it ...I enjoyed my weekends ...but did bring me back to reality yesterday ...I had a cry today ...but feel a bit better ...I'll try and work out how to PM you ...I'll forward not I'm Jane Lathan on nice to put a face to your name ... perhaps we can talk on phone ... have a nice weekend xxxx
Just wondered...were you told radio after you recovered from op straight away? ...that's what she said to me ...3 weeks treatment ...but added a might for chemo at the end ??
Hi yes was told recovery from op was 3 weeks and then start rads. Seeing the nurse tomorrow so might get some more info about how long rads will be for. Also told I would be on tablets afterwards. I am er positive and her 2 negative.. told I won't need chemo xxx
Yes I'm Her2 negative ...but I am er negative too ...but that's exactly what surgeon said to me 3 weeks rad a day every day, after 3 weeks recovery from op ....was very precise about it . ...but she said I might need chemo after rads ...but it was just added right at the end very casually ....spose it depends on what they find after the op ...we are nearly the same I think ...the waiting is the defo the worse ..but don't you think they must have an idea on how it would go? they deal with this everyday ....hope you get some answers today with your nurse ...let me know how you do xxxx
Hi the nurse was really good and went through everything with me. The plan is to have we and will take 4 nodes for testing. 6 weeks later will stay rads for 3 weeks and then go on tablets for 5 years. Said I had to protect arm afterwards and not do any lifting and any cuts to treat straightaway with antiseptic cream. If infected to get antibiotics. This is to stop lymphodeoma. Can't drive for 3 to 4 weeks. Will only need chemo if it has spread to nodes but won't know that until after op. Trying to keep positive but having such a long wait for op is hard. Hope you OK. We have to stay positive xxx
Oh that's great news and comforting ...I spose then it's near the same for me ....are the tablets hormone? I can't have hormone treatment.. so looks like rads for me and chemo if spread to lymphs ....I'm having the sentinel biopsy to check she did say this was procedure....fingers crossed ...I am OK...just a few down moments ..just want the op out of the way now xxxc
Good Morning ...yes I have been trying to sort that out ...I'm not phone savvy ....I tried to get the app and ive been sent an email saying they would be in touch with me soon ....I will try again today ....thankyou hope your well and happy xxxx
Hi there. I understand totally. If it is any consolation it does pass but I still get like that approaching my review appointments. I took up painting, read more, retired from work (unfortunately not my personal choice but Oncologist did not agree to me returning to work due to stress levels of my job - more anxiety). Things do have a way of working out. Sometimes you need to sit back and let life take its course. Do things you like, walk, movies, day trips, and hang with folks who can make you laugh - a lot. Laughter really does help. In the meantime, good luck and sending you lots of good vibes and hugs xx
Hi I too have anxiety issues. Diagnosed Dec 2015 with grade 3 aggressive cancer, had mastectomy in Jan 2016 followed by 2nd operation 12 hours later due to unforseen bleed. Oncotype test recommended chemo, which I had. Seven weeks ago had reconstruction and reduction. Clear so far, taking letrozole for 10 years. Back at work on phased return, all is looking good. However, anxiety issues. I see a counsellor who just chats and puts things into perspective. One suggestions she made to me was to have a good cry! Something I find difficult to do and am trying to. Sad films are a good starting place, it allows the pent up anxious feelings to be released. Relaxation tapes etc don't work for me. Reflexology is also a plus. So many suggestions, time is a great healer and of course the best advise is 'to be your own best friend' xx
As with everyone else here, totally understand what you're going through, is really hard to just try and switch off after your head is full of worry, panic and despair...
...agree with Lainey, distraction is key - reading is my escape I read 'fluff books' when stressed e.g. easy to read escapism Fiona Walker is a fav of mine especially her early books, maybe binge watch tv shows, Gilmore Girls is fab on Netflix - helped me loads and is brill.
Only have caffeine in early as makes you more anxious,
and like Grocklie says... Cry, I've always been a crier when stressed, sad, angry so has always been a huge release for me. No one has to see, a friend of mine who also had BC said she used to take the dog for a long walk away from people and have one... my fav place is the shower as no one can here and I find it soothing...
look after yourself, keep talking!
Nix x
Penny Brohn is a charity near Bristol that focuses on the whole person and may be able to help. Even if you don't live locally they do residential days. Good luck Caroline xx