If I have a 2cm lump in my LIQ does it mean that my cancer is invasive?
Is my cancer is invasive?: If I have a... - My Breast Cancer ...
Is my cancer is invasive?

You will need to ask your doctor or breast care team that question. All the best.
I know all the information you receive can be overwhelming and difficult to take onboard but if you don't understand what has been said please go and ask your medical team and the breast care nurses.
All the best xx
No idea what LIQ means possible means liquid? What have you had done so far? What else have you been told?
Write down anything you don't understand and phone the GP or breast unit
I would think it means left inner quadrant i.e. The position it is in on the breast.
Have you had an ultrasound or a biopsy yet?
Only these tests can tell if it is invasive
Hope you get some answers soon
Good morning- thank you for replying to my question. I will have my results of my first ultrasound and biopsy on Thursday. Just feeling very worried. The Radiologist was very confident that its cancer and the Dr I saw immediately afterwards was talking about a lumpectomy and radiation treatment... but if course all of this depends on my take of cancer etc. Thanks again, Amanda
Yes LIQ is the lower inner quadrant. X
They can only know things once the biopsy comes back, that will tell them the type etc, then surgery will tell them more, my lump on ultrasound and biopsy was told was ER + invasive 17m, basically was told it was a small early cancer, could have lumpectomy with radiotherapy, or mastectomy with reconstruction and no radiotherapy. After surgery lump was actually 25mm hadn't spread to nodes, so no further surgery needed, no chemo needed, just tablet treatment, so I consider myself incredibly lucky!
Good luck with your news and treatments xx
Really glad for you Debs, what a relief! Thank you for your good wishes, my concern is that I first noticed my lump back at the end of last year and didn't find it again so dismissed it until I noticed it again in early April. Then after going to the GP it then took 9 weeks to have a mammogram! So really worried now, its my fault initially for not acting, but I stupidly was so busy with a demanding new job that I was more focused on that than me x
Try not to worry, specialist reckons mine had been there slowly growing for years!
Really, if thats the same ad me, it may be that my HER2 is negative? Cant believe how much I am learning in just a few days! Thanks Debs,
You will find out what type when biopsy results back, I was HER2 neg, ER+
You can be both Positive HER2 and ER a lady that was in hospital with me was both of them positive!
Didn't realise you could be both, what is ER Debs? Its good to be HER2- though isnt it?
Most common type is ER+ stands for oestrogen treated with daily tablets like tamoxifen or letrozole
HER 2 has to be treated with herceptin injections.
With HER2 you have to have chemo so I was told!
There is also TN which is triple negative means breast cancer receptors are not responsive to grow with any triggers, where as ER is fuelled by oestrogen so tablets suppress that.
Hope that makes some sense, think there is also progesterone one as well less common I think.
Hi Amanda, you say your treatment plan could be lumpectomy and radiotherapy, that's was my treatment plan when I was diagnosed in 2013, all subsequent mammograms have been clear, I fully understand you're a long way from this, but it's more to re-assure you that not every cancer needs treating with chemo, keep us posted, good luck on Thursday x