hi ladies, I am new to the site and have recently been diagnosed stage 2 breast cancer in my left breast. I am having mastectomy and reconstruction on 17th March and feeling very anxious. Just want to know what to expect
Recently diagnosed : hi ladies, I am... - My Breast Cancer ...
Recently diagnosed

Hello hg24 & Welcome 💐
So sorry to hear about your diagnosis, I didn't have reconstruction due to an underlying autoimmune condition but recovered well from my surgery, I did have a pain block so l think that really did its job, the only thing I experienced post surgery was seroma, a building up of fluid, which I had drained several times.
You will be shown excersises at your PreOperative Assesment & it's essential that you do the excersises as advised as it makes a huge difference to your recovery.
I hope everything goes well for you, there will be others coming along shortly who've had reconstruction at the same time as Mastectomy so they'll be able to guide you more.
I just wanted to say Hello & Welcome, there is plenty of support here, ask any questions you think of, someone will know or we can point you in the right direction.
Best Wishes 🌺
Mrs N

thank you
Hi there , hg24, welcome . I had left mastectomy and immediate reconstruction with an implant back in August last year. The operation itself was OK and nothing to worry about. I had two drains and was in hospital for 36 hours ..one drain was removed about 4 days later and the second after a week or so. They were a bit inconvenient but not painful. Just make sure you do your exercises, take the painkillers as needed and take it easy to start with. I found I had full movement again after 2 weeks or so and have had no problems since. Don't know what reconstruction youre having but my implant did and still does sometimes feel 'strange ' and the area a bit numb but this is normal ( so I'm told. !). I've finished 6 months of chemo and two days ago had axillary node clearance ( so I too am back on the exercise😣). When I was where you are now I never thought I'd see light at the end of the tunnel but I am and so will you. Keep strong and positive. There are loads of ladies on this site who can share their experiences and remember you are not alone. Best of luck Karen xx
thank you so much for sharing your experience. I am so glad I have come across this site. I am trying to be very positive.
I had a similar experience the only difference is i didnt have a implant i had the muscle from my back. I had 2 drains and i agree they are inconvienent. I can't say i was in pain just discomfort. My new boob (which i had a year ago yesterday) still feels strange sometimes and a little uncomfortable but on the whole i do not have any problems. Hope this helps and good luck
I had bi lat mastectomy with expanders put in for reconstruction. They had to come out because of an infection. I just started the reconstruction process again in January. I was never given any exercises. My pain after the mastectomy was really bad the first 2 days. The best advice I have is button down shirts or even better would be a poncho. I wasn't allowed to pick my arms up until the drains came out. I think the lack of movement just made the pain last longer. I guess I would have benefitted from those exercises. I slept in my recliner. Not only easier to get up but I'm a side sleeper and couldn't lay on my sides. My drains actually burned. I am not trying to scare you. My skin is really sensitive and I tend to have reactions. You hopefully won't have that problem. Best wishes for you. Let me know how you make out.
Had mastectomy and all lymph glands taken end sept for reconstruction later this year , it just felt a huge release to get rid of the cancer , keep positive and all will be good in the end . Build up support now and you will soon recover xx
Hi and welcome, I had mastectomy with implant May 2015, day case only drain came out that day also, just normal pain killers for about a week, did exercises so movement was ok, to be honest I forget I have the implant now.
I didn't have any nodes except sentinel node taken for testing at the time of the op, if that had been positive for cancer then another op would have to be done to remove the rest of the nodes, at that stage the chances of having chemo are increased but that all depends on the type of cancer you have the size of the tumour, my cancer was ER positive was told prior to surgery it was 17mm but turned out to be 25mm, so they can't really tell until they get it out.
So I consider myself lucky as I didn't have to have chemo, or radiotherapy I know fake letrozole for the ER positive.
Hope that helps to make things a bit clearer, but remember everyone is different, they heal differently, their cancer is different, on a practical level sort out easy on baggy tops, and soft bra.
Will be thinking of you on the 17th xx
Welcome hg24. I cannot really add anything as I had a lumpectomy. It is really important to do those exercises asap to get your arm moving but only when told to do so. As previously mentioned, everyone is different but, hopefully, you will sail through this without any problems. Do come back to the site if you have any concerns or questions but you should also be given breast care nurse contact details. Let us know how you get on xx
Hi I had a reconstruction using muscle from m back, surgery went well, I spent a day in a high dependency unit which was fine just meant I could be monitored, I had self administered mophine for a day or so as a painkiller then just used oral painkillers. I had drains that were removed over 2-5 days, I think I went home after about 6 days. I had a series of exercises and physio appts. I had to go back for regular check ups and had additional liquid drained. I had a very strong bra that I had to wear for about 6 weeks except when showering. I went back to work 6 weeks after. This was just over 7 years ago. I am very happy that I went for the reconstruction.
Hey lovely lady, welcome to this site.....can I ask what reconstruction you have decided to have...xxxx
I am having reconstruction of my own tissue from the stomach at the same time as my surgery.
That's what I went for, I'v had amazing results...5 years this September...I can send you a couple of holidays pics....only if your ready....love to chat more....xxxx
Thank you for your offer, yes please, would love to see you pics
Morning...Don't know how through this site....are you on messenger? Xx
footprints if you want to contact someone privately there are two speech bubbles at the top of the page, select that then 'Compose' & start to type in their user name & it will appear. Very Easy.
Mrs N
Welcome and sorry for diagnosis 😈 I had right mastectomy 7 years ago only had reconstruction a year after due to having to have radiotherapy !! Dependent on which type of reconstruction you have has different issues. Drains are the worst have a old shoulder strap handbag to carry these around 😈😈😈good luck on your journey I have also developed lymphoedema as I had lymph nodes removed too !! But am OK
Best of luck for 17th. Caroline xx
Hope all went well with your surgery today, was thinking about you.
Hi hope your surgery went well , sorry not been on here for a while .
I too had surgery DIEP flap December 15.
Hope all went to plan and that your recovering well xx
Hello sorry to Jump in on your post . How did your surgery go ? Thank you