I made a post about being scared about the possibility of me being pregnant and now I'm terrified.
I'm 15 years old, I'm a virgin but my now recently ex boyfriend entered me with pre-cum on his hand
I took a pregnancy test 3 days after my period was due and it was negative, it's now 8 days and I still haven't the come on.
I'm getting abdominal pains (not like period cramps though), breast pains and I've had an increase in white discharge.
Should I take another test? I've got the clear blue digital one with the weeks on it. It's supposed to be the most accurate.
I'm literally panicking, if I am pregnant I don't know if I'd have the strength to go through an abortion but I know I couldn't have the baby, I'm so young and so unhealthy that something would almost definitely go wrong and if something happened to the baby because of my mental health disorders or physical health problems I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
I know you can go to clinics without your parents knowing, I don't know where to find them and I can't talk to my mum because me and her really don't get on.
I'm so scared