My girlfriend and I had a pregnancy scare last year in October, she missed her period for 2 months. During this time we both thought that she was pregnant, despite all of the negative pregnancy tests. Her period eventually returned in December. She has been regular since December 2014. That would been that she has menstruated 5 times now. However, I have not been able to shake off the pregnancy scare and still think that my partner might be pregnant. It's silly, I know, but I have not been able to get over the pregnancy scare and none of the negative tests/periods are offering reassurance. If she was pregnant, she would be 20 weeks pregnant. I don't think she is, I'm guessing she'd be showing by now if she was (she's slim - size 8), but I can't help but think what if she is. Surely pregnancy tests (supermarket brand to Clearblue are fool proof!). Please, can I have some constructive information and advice.
I suppose for women, they experience their body and everything that goes on inside their body. As men, we are disempowered spectators and can only rely on our partner's elucidation.
Thank you