Hi everyone,
Welcome to Living and Learning Together! Thanks to the valued feedback and encouragement from our members and volunteers, we’re excited to pop up in the community this winter to invite you to share about the everyday realities of living with osteoporosis. If there are topics you’d like us to cover, we’d love to hear your suggestions!
This time, we’re thinking about sleep 😴 — a topic that can make a big difference to our overall wellbeing. We hope this is a space where we can share ideas on getting a restful night's sleep – something many of us find challenging.
To get us started, here are some of the thoughts our volunteers shared:
💤I use a pregnancy pillow for extra support to find a more comfortable sleeping position.
💤I try to put things away before bed to avoid tripping if I get up during the night.
💤Installing sensor lights in the hall to provide just enough light when moving around at night can help.
💤I make sure to really take my time when getting into the bed and out of it again.
💤I check my rugs are secure to prevent slips or trips – especially in the night.
💤 Finding the right pillow placement is important, such as using a pillow between the knees or a small hand towel for neck support has helped me sleep.
💤There have been times when I have had better rest by sleeping in a recliner and not a bed.
💤Anything that eases pain or adds to comfort is important - and it took me a while to test things out to find what helped.
💤If you can, test mattresses to ensure the right fit. What feels comfortable may change after a fracture.
💤Sometimes I feel anxious about not being able to sleep which then makes it harder to sleep!
✨✨Over to you!✨✨
❓What things do you do to help you sleep?
🙋Or perhaps you’re finding sleep a real challenge, what would you like to ask others in the community?
We warmly invite you to share your thoughts
If you have suggestions for topics you’d like to see brought to our online community or any feedback about these spaces, please drop us some anonymous feedback here: forms.office.com/e/7d5EwCd88R