Bones are repaired in sleep, and sleep problems seem to be one more area to work on if we have osteopenia or osteoporosis without extreme pain. (I know OP causes sleep problems for so many, which is another horrible irony in this mean condition,)
I'm posting because this came up via another question here, and I hadn't thought of sleep being another area to work on as well as K2, exercise etc.
So if we have mild apnea or any other sleep disturbances working on them helps bones. I use nasal strips since I have a v small nose and age has led to breathing problems via nasal valve issues. Worth asking for help.
Whether low doses of melatonin may help OP came up - worth researching on line since melatonin, which helps us drop off to sleep, helps us remodel bone. There's v little research on this, but it's generally a well tolerated natural hormone, available over the counter in the US. Some suggest it may be contra indicated in RA, worth. researching generally and perhaps trying in v low doses.
Consultants prescribed it for. my son's sleep difficulties - he was badly out of synch with light - and it definitely helped hugely..