Feel it in your bones: taking the pain out of osteoporosis theguardian.com/society/202...
Another Guardian article: Feel it in... - Bone Health and O...
Another Guardian article
"There are three very effective early ways to protect women (and some non-binary and trans people) from fractures: muscle-building, weight-bearing exercise, along with vitamin D, magnesium and calcium-rich foods, and using hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to slow bone loss and promote new growth." why not just say to protect PEOPLE?
The use of HRT wasn’t part of my education in orthopaedics,” she says, “and medical colleagues have said the same.” But medicine works in silos and menopause experts, surgeons, endocrinologists and rheumatologists rarely confer. So the more complex picture is often overlooked. It’s the orchestra of hormones that makes bones work.
I couldn’t agree more about medicine working in silos! Apart from looking at HRT to protect bones as far as I’ve experienced doctors are only concerned with *their* part of your body. No mention of the knock on effect of how *their* treatment of whatever condition you are suffering from could affect other parts of your body.
As a result bones were never mentioned while I was being treated for several conditions that did have a direct effect on them.
Same with prescribed drugs - for a start things like steroids and PPIs or as one doctor quaintly called them ‘tummy protectors’ tend to be handed out willy nilly. I find it all profoundly depressing.
When will we patients ever get ‘joined up thinking’ so that patients are looked at as a whole rather than just as a set of *body parts*.