Hi Everyone,
I thought I'd post a review of the REMS scan I had done with Nick Birch from Osteoscan (UK) in case anyone is thinking about having this done and is unsure. I have only positive feedback to give and was impressed with the service I received. I felt it was value for money. My Mum had a scan at the same time and it gave her the push she needed to start to make some changes to improve her bone health.
I had my first ever DEXA in April 2023 aged 44 as my Mum has osteoporosis and my Grandmother broke a hip because of osteoporosis (she died a few months later) so I wanted to see my starting point before going through menopause when you loose density rapidly. I was surprised and disappointed that my hips and spine were already in the osteopenic range and so were starting from a less than favourable place. I spent the next 3 months doing intensive research and decided to start HRT as I was having perimenopause symptoms and I was also encouraged to try it having learnt it can help slow down the rate at which bones loose strength/density around menopause. The ROS website has a couple of videos on HRT and bone health which I found helpful. My GP also saw it as a positive step at this point.
What was strange about my DEXA was a discrepancy between L1/L2 against L3/ L4. Mt T-scores were -1.2/1.3 at the top but -2.4/2.5 at the bottom. When he remeasured me with REMS all 4 vertebrae were much closer, ranging from -1.1 to -1.4. This was reassuring and although my T-scores were very slightly osteopenic my Z-scores were still in the normal range.
For me, what was more interesting was the bone quality score. Both my hips and spine were in the green range showing that the quality was good - very reassuring.
Nick is very personable, took a lot of time with me and my Mum (we decided to go in together which was actually really helpful) and explained everything thoroughly and in easily understandable terms. He also talked through what to do next - for me to carry on with my supplements, wholefoods diet, strength training and also HRT. My Mum being 30 years older, not having taken HRT around menopause or done any strength training has more work to do. But he was encouraging that despite her much lower bone density and quality that there was a lot that could be done to improve her situation with lifestyle measures as a first step. As I said, this gave her the push to make changes. He also sent information afterwards by email with suggested resources to look at.
I will continue getting REMS in the years to come despite it costing more as long as I can afford it as I personally feel I get more information from it than the DEXA. My Mum felt the same.
This is just my personal account and I know everyone's situation is different.