I have been to see my gp and have been advised to have a vertebroplasty where cement is injected into a injured bone,bit of a shock never heard of this, has anyone heard of this, I would have to go to a different city and be admitted for the procedure, I don't know what to do.
vertebroplasty: I have been to see my... - Bone Health and O...

You should speak to the ROS people about it. I know what it is and how it is done and I’ve heard that people can get instant relief from their pain but I don’t know anything else about it.
Maybe someone on here will have had it done. Actually I did a search on the site and someone called Mollysuki who comes on here said she had had it tone so hopefully she will be able to tell you about her experience of it.
Good that someone has offered you help with your pain though.
thanks, I have been speaking to a ros nurse regarding vertebroplasty, because it was a shock to receive the notice to have vertebroplasty, after speaking to the ros nurse saying people who are in pain all the time are advised to have it, I am not in pain all the time so won't have it at this time but maybe further down the line when my pain gets worse, my gp has prescribed some ibuprofen gel for when I'm in pain.
I’m glad you’ve done that radars and you know what you want to do. I’m also glad your GP sounds helpful.
Depending on where you are wanting to rub the gel I ended up buying a long handled applicator from Amazon for all the parts I can’t reach easily, in my case the top of my back and shoulder area. I don’t want to twist.
It looks a bit like a back brush but with a firm foam pad instead of a brush. So that might be useful for you.

Thanks for your discussion here about vertebroplasty. If you would like to get more information do have a look at our fact sheet on vertebroplasty here strwebprdmedia.blob.core.wi... . We work with experts in the field to provide up to date, evidence- based information. This can be useful to add to the support from others on this forum. If you don’t find answers you need, or to discuss your own situation, contact our specialist nurses on 0808 800 0035 (UK).
do you have a number for a specialists for USA folks? If so, please provide phone number.
Thanks for your question. Just to remind everyone that this forum is all about osteoporosis and related bone health topics especially for those living in the UK. Information about care and treatment can often be country-specific so please be aware of this if you live in a country outside of the UK.
The International Osteoporosis Foundation have a 'find your national society' page here osteoporosis.foundation/pat... use the country drop down box below the map to find information and support in your region.
While I understand the point being made about some information being country specific - I wouldn’t like to think that members from other countries feel they are not wanted / not welcome in our community. Many people not resident in the U.K. make valuable contributions to our discussions.
I agree. One of the positive things about the internet is the access it gives to information and support. The ROS provides a valuable resource and point taken that 'information about care and treatment can often be country-specific'. I agree with Fruitandnutcase. There are members from abroad who are valuable participants in the discussions or who may find useful information and support here. I hope they continue to feel welcome.
Pretty sure I would never be offered a vertebroplasty here in the US, even though I am...well, I'm not in constant pain, either, (if I just sit in the recliner with my heating pad, I'm fine, right?) but even if I were, I doubt they'd offer it, though I have at least four fractures (three in a row in my upper back that are singing at a pretty high pitch as I write this,) and I'm afraid there are some we haven't ferreted out yet because apparently, they take special skill and usually some whining from me to find. Best they'll offer me is physical therapy.
I’m glad you reached out to your GP and discussed options for your troublesome spine. I can wholly endorse Fruit&Nut’s advice re the gel applicator…mine is a great little helper! Good luck going forward, Radars.
I think that you would need to speak to surgeon/consultant before having the operation. They would know more than GP about suitability.
yes I had one 2 years ago after car accident and crushed a vertebrate .its a fairly small procedure they inject thro 3 small drilled bones in what I call cement. It worked for me only in hospital overnight. But I had to have mine as my vertebrate was completely smashed and had been wearing a back for 17 weeks after accident. I had no after affects. I dread to think what would of happened if I didn’t have one.
Over here in Houston TX it's an outpatient procedure. I've had 8 of them, maybe 10 now. Easy surgery. It seems you aren't healing well after this time, it may be a good option. I tried to heal the first one at T7, months later the MRI showed edema (fluids) still heavy in the area, and the pain went way down after the kyphoplasty. Now, understand the risks involved too...if your vertebrae above and below are having issues, you need the doctor to explain how he will protect them. No pain afterwards as far as surgery.