I have had a spinal fracture is it easy to have another fracture, is there anyone with a t12 dx who is getting on ok.
fractures : I have had a spinal... - Bone Health and O...

Have you had a scan to confirm the fracture?
Hi. T12 was one of my two spinal fractures, the other was L4. My fractures resulted from fainting on the roadside. I lost 3 inches in height due to these fractures. I chose to stay medication free from that day to this. The T12 fracture has restricted my movement a little in my neck area. I notice it most when driving and make best use of the mirrors on the car.
I try to avoid twisting my body where I can and will not force movement around my neck and head movement. When I move my head I try to keep the movement slow and I've learned not to tilt my head back so far as to look at the ceiling. When I drink, I choose glasses and mugs which do not require me to tilt my head back very far. If I don't have a choice in the style of glass, I will use one or two straws. Otherwise I hardly notice that fracture.
Otherwise I guess I'm ok with the T12 fracture. We are all different though. I learned when having accupuncture for something else that I had, that I have one vertebrae less than most people.
In my 50's I was medically retired due to very long term severe asthma. Now I know that the predisnadone steroids I took for the asthma have contributed to my having osteoporosis today. It took about 18 months to find out that the asthma was caused by a reaction to an artificial colour, red poncaeu, which was an ingredient in the medication I was taking. It took three weeks for my body to rid itself of the offending substance. Three weeks after I stopped taking that tablet, I was totally asthma free. I have since learned that I am sensitive to artificial colours, preservatives and many chemicals used in medications. Sensitivity to substances is different to allergies. It took 3 weeks of daily use for the asthma to develop, and 3 weeks for it to stop. Allergies produce almost instant reactions.
The nurse in my surgery suspected the asthma might be caused by a substance because the 3 inhalers I was using did not ease the breathing difficulty. I'm eternally grateful to her. Di Doh.
thanks, but do you have any pain in your back by just doing everyday things and do you do any exercises.
Hi. I have pain since the injury, in my upper bum cheek, where I fell on the kirb I think. This is nowhere near the fracture and I suspect is a fascia injury. I also have pain in my very lower back which feels like bone on bone when I stand up, but not all of the time.
For 2 years after the injury I was unable to sit on a normal level chair due to pain. On the advice of the physio at the hospital, I remained inactive for a week. Worse thing I could have done. My muscles and ligaments shortened and caused me to lose a lot of mobility with a great deal of pain.
A homeopath helped me get mobile again and the manager of a local gym gave me a one off programme of exercise which took me to the next level. I could not afford a private trainer. I took a six week special offer gym membership and the class leaders were wonderful. They tailored their classes to the needs of those in their class.
I now sit on a normal chair but only for short periods of time. I walk, do stretching exercises before I get out of bed which the homeopath told me to do. Only recently, quite a few years after my injuries, I have started swimming again. This helps the nagging pain which never went away and it makes me feel good. I can only do breaststroke.
I also use a home vibration platform. I was afraid to use it at first because the vibration is very powerful. My consultant assured me that it would be ok and good for my bones. Sometimes I use a mini rebounder. It's in a spare bedroom and I forget it's there.
Just this week I asked my gp to refer me to a Healthwise Membership at my local gym. The membership is sponsored by the local council and referrals have to be made through a doctor. I'm 69 years old and have recovered as much as I can although I have also had a bad wrist fracture where I lost the use of my fingers for 3 years. Had surgery. Now I am playing the ukulele with those fingers.
Yes I excercise. I believe I would be in a wheelchair and maybe in a care home by now if I had not exercised. I need the help of the gym staff now to help me maintain the progress I have made and if possible to build a little of the muscle I have lost.
With my back injuries, the hospital gave me xrays, dexa scan, almost bullied me to take medication which I refused. The people who guided my exercise gave me my mobility and life back.
The hand specialist performed the miracle on my wrist and put metal in it to strengthen it. The exercise afterwards gave me the use of my fingers. If I stop the exercise, I lose the strength again and very soon would be back to square one.
My favourite exercise is dancing. I'm confident that within a short time of my new gym membership, I'll be back on that dancefloor, rock and rolling and modern jiving with the best of them.
Well done .... I love a happy story! You keep going and never give up! 👍😊
In my experience it is…I had a compression fracture on the T area (forgot which ones) leading to a triple spinal fusion on those 3 collapsed vertebrae. I had since been on Xgeva bone drug but went off of it for a year… I hated taking it.
In that time I was off it, I had some progression which also led to a 2nd fracture of the pelvis. Im now back on it, and just had a hip pinning surgery. Hoping I won’t develop more and need a replacement. Tough stuff these mets!