In this session, we’ll look at ways of reducing the risk of falls to maintaining bone health, independence, and quality of life. Nurse Manager Julia is joined by Professor Tahir Masud, consultant physician at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Professor Dawn Skelton, Glasgow Caledonian University and Julie Whitney a consultant practitioner in gerontology in King’s College Hospital.
Finding a specific falls exercise programme: You can find your local falls service by typing 'falls service Bolton" (and changing to your nearest Town) into Google or asking your GP. Some areas also have specific exercise groups in the community which aim to help people stay strong and steady. Tai Chi has a strong evidence base for preventing falls but if you are worried about maintaining your balance in a group environment then you should look for groups that are run by trained instructors that can prescribe and tailor your exercise programme to meet any ability levels and medical conditions. These are known as Otago Exercise Programme Leaders, or Postural Stability Instructors who run the FaME (Falls Management Exercise) Programme. Sometimes these classes are known as Stay Strong, Strong and Steady, Steady Steps.
#ThinkFalls #FallsPreventionAwarenessWeek