Could anyone recommend a magnesium supplement which won’t exacerbate my gastritis. I have stomach issues and finding something suitable is proving very difficult indeed. Thank you.
Magnesium: Could anyone recommend a... - Bone Health and O...

Magnesium glycinate is supposed to be gentlest on the stomach, but it didn't work for me and, like you, I've yet to find one that does. The best I'm able to do at the moment is rub magnesium body butter into the backs of my legs, where it doesn't seem to cause irritation or make my already dry skin even drier! But it's quite limited how much can be absorbed that way - it says a teaspoon contains 75mg magnesium, which isn't a great deal anyway, and I'm not convinced how much actually gets through the skin into the body!
I was not able to tolerate Magnesium tablets. I use Magnesium massage spray by Holland and Barrett.
what about using magnesium flakes in the bath or BetterYou spray or body cream?
I used to use Future You - you can get a trial pack for the cost of the postage - I stopped that because it contains one of the B vits that I didn’t particularly want.
Thank you for your reply. I’m afraid we only have showers so flakes wouldn’t work. I doubt if I would get enough from body cream. Like you I use Future You and although it’s hasn’t been ideal I was just about getting by but this time they have substituted Magnesium + Advanced which has triggered my gastritis alarmingly! I would love to find a product that I could tolerate without a problem. I take lansoprazole so it really is essential as well as for my osteoporosis.
Oh that’s a nuisance isn’t it. I would contact Future You and tell them that their substitute isn’t suitable for you and get your money back. They are quite easy to get in touch with - or they used to be.
The body spray I’ve got says it offers 100% magnesium and the cream less - perhaps 75% but I’m not exactly sure. I found it was the calcium that was prescribed bot my osteoporosis that messed up my gut but fortunately I’m ok with magnesium.
Investigate liposomal magnesium. Always take magnesium with food.
Magnesium glycinate 400mg at night gives me no problems and I do have a delicate stomach so 400mg is my go to.I was also going to suggest epsom salts in a bath but see you have showers that's a shame because it also relieves aches and pains
Thank you fairgo45. I have ordered some magnesium glycinate to try.
Country Life Chelated Magnesium
my stomach is so sensitive I cannot take magnesium glycinate.
thank you Raleigh59. Definitely worth a try.
I take magnesium glycinate in the evenings. I've tried other types of magnesium but they gave me terrible stomach pains and diarrhoea.This one does not. I only take one capsule daily, so not a huge dose.
This is the one I use. I buy them in pouches of 180 now, as I know my tummy tolerates them, but initially I bought 30 just to try them.
I use a topical Magnesium oil spray - works very well.