Can anyone give links to reliable research regarding these scans? I know they are only done privately in the UK but used in other countries. Thanks
REMS/Osteoscan: Can anyone give links... - Bone Health and O...

There have been sufficient studies done to assure the relevant authorities in Italy and the USA that REMS is acceptable for diagnostic purposes. Here are some examples, which I hope you find are helpful:
Thank you for the links to the interesting articles. I don't trust my DEXA results so may have an Osteoscan for comparison.
I agree. I don’t trust them either. I am booked in for a REMS in October. It will be interesting to see the results.
Why are you doubting dexa scans?
I realise your question was not to me but I wish to give you my view. I do not trust DEXAs because it is all down to being correctly positioned when having one and also how competent the person is who provides you with the result. I am told on my report for the past two DEXAs that they cannot give me a result on my spine because I have scoliosis. I had a REMS and got results and was very relieved and happy with the outcome. I paid to have a REMS in 2021 and will definitely have another one in 2023. Money well spent, for me anyway.
Oh well thanks for the info. I have had a dexa scan and got results of -1.6/7 .... I was just thinking perhaps they weren't correct 🤔
Hello. What were your T scores for hip and spine, if I may ask? The score you showed doesn’t seem very bad at all, osteopenia ? I will have a REM scan in November. Best wishes.
If I am interpreting the result you provide correctly, that is great news. I would be doing the happy dance if it were me!
Hi could you tell me roughly how much REMS scan is. I have had osteoporosis in my hips diagnosed by dexa scan about 12 years ago, wind the clock on I had a heart transplant two years and after a year on steroids another dexa apparently said my hips are worse and I have osteopenia in my spine. I never got given the results of the scan it was just my heart consultant told me the bad news, I have been given risedronate to take but I don't really like it. I was thinking if I paid for the other scan I might get a better idea of how bad things are, char
The cost is around £200 for a REMS. You are entitled to a print out of any DEXA scans you have. It is your right. The receptionist at your local surgery should be able to print them off for you. If not they are incompetent!
Thanks I will give them a ring and I will try and find out where I can get the rem scan done I live in Scotland, char
A REMS scan with orthopaedic consultant and bone health specialist, Mr Nick Birch, is £175. He does the whole scan appointment himself so you have plenty of time to talk to him and ask questions.
Yes, I had one last year and will definitely book in for another in 2023. I paid £200 so perhaps there are different rates depending where you are seen. Anyway, it was money well spent, in my book!
Did you get yours done in London? I believe they charged more there (venue hire costs more), and now are only able to offer them on the outskirts of London.
Hi Met, It was not in London but I agree with you that if the price changes depending where you go for your appointment, it will be the venue hire costs. I want to get into one a bit nearer next year but it appears to be a very popular venue. I think I shall have to try and book early next year to secure an appointment! I will pay whatever is asked!
I had read that REMS was more accurate than DEXA, but the results were identical so I probably won’t bother again.
Good morning from Stonington CT. I asked my Dr in Westerly RI for a REM scan and he was unfamiliar with the process. What resource is best for his knowledge in USA. Thank you for your direction.
I would trust a DEXA scan if your back is ok. Once most of the vertebrae have crushed it becomes very difficult as the bones then are more dense
A recent study concludes
REMS technology by the analysis of native raw unfiltered ultrasound signals appears to be able to overcome the most common artifacts, such as OA and vertebral fracture of the lumbar spine, which affect the value of BMD by DXA.
Does anyone know where I can get a REMS scan in Sydney? I am keen to have one . Thanks
Had it done here in Italy. Worth the money !
Thank you for responding. Without giving personal details could you elaborate a little re what you valued from the appointment. Thanks.
Can someone tell me how high it is to get up on the bed for the REM and how uncomfortable it is and for how long. It was agony for me to get up on the bed for the DEXA scan and they couldnt position me as when they tried to move my hips it was too painful, as a result I am sure the last DEXA scan wasnt correct. Thanks