Could anyone advise me ifH R T can arrest osteoporosis. My sister is 53 and has had a bone scan , she has it in her spine . She is not very sure about taking osteo treatment but has been suggested HRT . Thankyou in advance
HRT for osteoporosis : Could anyone... - Bone Health and O...
HRT for osteoporosis

I know someone whose bone density has improved with HRT. It's definitely worth considering.
Look at dr louise newson, she is a menopause doctor. I am going back on hrt for my bones.
Can I ask how old you are. I have an appointment with one of the doctors at Dr Newsons clinic in August. I am 64 and was diagnosed with osteoperosis in 2019 after I fractured my ankle. I was given Alendronic Acid but have refused to take it at the moment. I Have a t score of -2.7 hips and -2.9 in spine. I do pilates and hand held weights and walking I take Vit D K2 Boron Magnesium and some Calcium made from seaweed. Not sure weather I will be too old now to start taking it
HRT can be very effective. A lot of the medication for osteoporosis reduces the breakdown and reabsorption of bone. The estrogen part of HRT does this as well as encouraging the growth of new bone and therefore I cany help thinking it is better but then I am not medically qualified to comment! I am 53 with osteoporosis and full on menopause and wish I could take HRT but unfortunately I have a medical and family history which puts me at risk of a stroke and deep vein thrombosis and therefore HRT is not advised. Your sister should just check with her GP but this would no doubt be part of the standard checks before prescribing HRT. I was also told by my doctor that she strongly advised HRT by itself would be insufficient as I had a Dexa score of - 3.2 in my lower spine. My preferred approach before I found out it wasn't an option would have been to have HRT for a year by itself and then rescan to decide whether it was working by itself or needed the additional medication. I am on alendronic acid and had a hard time of it initially but have settled in to it now. Good luck to your sister.
You may still be able to have transdermal hrt (patches or gel) which doesn`t carry the same risks as tablets. Have a look at Dr Louise Newson`s website
Thankyou for your advice ,I will pass on to her especially the exercises . I have been told I have osteopenia ,,so will try them too !