Compressed vertebrae fractures
Compressed abdomen
Digestion problems
S ruched stomach
Compressed vertebrae fractures
Compressed abdomen
Digestion problems
S ruched stomach
Doesn’t sound good at all. How old are you and how do you cope? Osteoporosis is such an awful condition isn’t it.
Oh Ledare. That is awful. I had two wedge compression fractures to T4 and T5 in 2004 (ish) and had stomach problems for a long time. How bad are your bones? I went to an osteopath eventually but had to wait three months, there was strictly no manipulation or mobilisation, just very gentle massage and articulation and I had a wonderful osteopath, she was very clued up and gentle and explained why this and that felt the way they did etc and she eventually made me so much better, but of course, each individual is different. I hope you can find some easing of your problems soon and wish you all the best. xx
Having lost 4 inches in height due to several spinal fractures I’ve had digestive problems and it burned when drinking water! Long story short is I had an endoscopy and it showed that I had inflammation of the oesophagus and a large hiatus hernia. Medication cleared the inflammation but unfortunately not the heartburn/indigestion. I’ve been referred to see a gastroenterologist for possible surgery on the hernia. I’ve a video call appointment with him Thursday. So we’ll see what he suggests.
My advice to you is to see your GP if you’re having trouble with digestive issues.
I do feel that the loss of height everything is now compressed into a smaller space is what has caused these problems.