I have had osteoporosis for over 10 years, 2 femur fractures a year apart from taking AAcid for 7 years, first op v successful. 2nd one not .dehydrated in op theatre led to 5 days in hospital on a drip. This was 3 years ago. Now v disabled as also have glaucoma , cataracts, lymphodemia, asthma, under active thyroid, lower back fractures, reflux, . I take thyroxine, emozul, Accrete, ropineral, amytriptiline,
Re osteoporosis: I have had... - Bone Health and O...
Re osteoporosis

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I want to add I have 12 weekly B12 injections.
My daughter is my carer. I have many aids, stair lift, 2 rolators 1 indoor 1 for out, hand rails everywhere, A wheel chair for outings, etc Back pain makes standing painful. However I am 86 so glad to be alive. Lock in had no effect on my life. I am happy in my house and garden.
You are amazing. I would love to hear a little more about your house and especially your garden. We moved from our house to a condo last year, but as our son bought the house we were able to go and visit often. Unfortunately not this spring so far, and I really miss it. 🤗
💐💐💐 for you Gillymar. I really hope I’ve got your positive attitude to life when I reach your age. A garden is a wonderful thing isn’t it ours has definitely kept us going through the lockdown.
what a lovely post Gillymar, a lesson for us all! I am so pleased you have a wonderful daughter to care for you and a home and garden you obviously love. What other things are you able to enjoy, do you have access to audio books and beautiful music? Is your garden full of scented roses that are out at the moment? I try to have as man scented plants in my garden as I can, honeysuckle, roses, some clematis, lavender etc. I had a huge problem a couple of years ago when my long boundary leylandi started to die from one end!!! It would have cost a fortune to get them removed as they have been there for at least 50 years and were very dense. Luckily I got to speak to a garden designer at an open gardens day and she put my mind at rest as she had dealt with this problem before. I had to cut back all the dead needles and as many branches in order to achieve the best structure for......climbing plants!!! As many scented ones as I wanted!!! With love to you Gillymar. Sheila
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