I would be very interested to know how many of you have coexisting thyroid disease. Do you think it is linked to development of your osteoporosis?
Coexisting thyroid disease: I would be... - Bone Health and O...
Coexisting thyroid disease
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I have. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when only 16 yrs old. I am now 74 yrs. I have been taking Liothyronine all these years. I was diagnosed with OP when I was 65 yrs after volunteering for a medical screening which was linked to a drug trial for OP. It included a DEXA scan but the trial was by then fully subscribed (in retrospect a blessing in disguise because I didn’t know then the horrors of OP meds. I was referred back to my GP, he wanted to prescribe bisphosonates and there was no reference to my thyroid at that point. I took the prescription but didn’t take the medication after reading about side effects and doing my own research. Very early in my research I recognised thyroid issues as a secondary cause of OP. I asked my GP to refer me to a Manchester hospital endocrine/bone clinic. The consultant immediately had a thyroid profile carried out. My parathyroid was way out of balance and my bone turnover profile fast and alarming. I had been taking prescribed thyroid medication for many many years, but the dose had been ridiculously high. Ironically I had never felt ill or experienced overactive thyroid symptoms. It took a while to balance my thyroid medication and this is now stable and for 9 years I have managed my OP by diet, exercise and supplements. I was however strongly advised to take a bone medication after a car accident, I was a passenger and suffered two spinal compression fractures and fractured sternum. I currently take Raloxifene with no side effects. I dread to think what would have happened if I had followed my GP’s advice 9yr ago to take a bisphosonate and continue with the high dose of thyroid medication I had been prescribed. Moral of the this story to anyone newly diagnosed with OP, please do your research and assertively question and challenge whenever you feel the need.
It makes me wonder how the NHS can prescribe these osteoporosis medicines without properly checking out other coexisting conditions. It's an appallingly poor approach.
I have osteoporosis, and I also had an overactive thyroid. I was treated for the thyroid for about 3 years then slowly came off the medication. I no longer take medication for the thyroid and have been clear from any symptoms for about 6 years, and have been discharged from the hospital.
Does your doctor check calcium and vitamin D levels and do you get checked out for parathyroid function?
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