I have recently added Zinc picolinate to my arsenal of supplements, but have found that after 6 days it has upset my bowels and caused diarrhoea. I'm only taking one capsule containing 15mg zinc picolinate; natural beta carotene/carotenod mix 900ug and copper citrate 1mg. Anyone else supplementing with zinc and had adverse affects?
Anyone else experiencing issues with ... - Bone Health and O...
Anyone else experiencing issues with taking zinc?

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Collywobbles64, I haven't stamped my feet much for 68 years when I did a lot of it! If I would do it now, I would sit on a dining chair to avoid jarring my spine. I think it sounds like a great exercise. Anyone that the exercise would be safe for, it will be better done without jaw-clenching or breath-holding.
Collywobbles64, apologies for landing on the wrong post.. luckily you knew what I was talking about.

220681ok, yes, I did realise you were responding to an older post of mine. I did do a double take at first thought - lol.
I also take 15mg zinc daily, without side effects, but also without the additional ingredients. I double my dose if I'm fighting a cold, and I think that might sometimes be responsible for causing mild diarrhoea, though it's difficult to tell as I can also get up slight stomach upset with a cold.
Zinc gives me nausea so I don’t take it often, usually just when I feel the flu coming on.
Yes I’m afraid so. Magnesium and zinc both give similar issues. It’s a problem.
Hi. My nutritional studies taught us to be very careful with zinc. It is often added to foods and other supplements, plus cold remedies and can easily add up to too much. Some vitamins are flushed out of the body easily if we take too much. Not so with zinc, too much is toxic to the body. Sounds like your body may be telling you this. The only time I would ever take zinc supplements is if I know I an deficient eg if I had white marks on my finger nails. Even then, I'd only take them for a very short time. Much better to look up foods high in zinc and eat them along with fruit as the vitamin c will help it's absorbtion. xx
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