I am searching for info about law suits and class action suits on the drug prolia.
Questions on law suits : I am searching... - Bone Health and O...
Questions on law suits

Hello AllieMc,
I am also very interested in this area. My research is limited; I'm in the UK. I have seen indications of several in the US and Canada (regarding rebound fractures) but the trail was difficult to follow as pre- hearing settlements seemed to have been reached (which tied everyone into silence!). Once the recommendations by the company for the consultant to consider an alterative medication for a 12 month period after coming off Prolia to prevent ‘the sudden massive bone loss’ in a ‘few people’ May 2017 the company covered themselves. This left people like myself in a situation living in Europe uncovered as the recommendation took time for individual Consultants /hospitals to take on board. If this is the same area of concern as yours I will try and find the details, if you feel that is helpful.
Good Luck
Posy White
I spoke to 2 legal firms in Canada and they seemed disinterested in taking this on, I think there might have to be an initiation in the U.S. OR EUROPE.
I would also be very interested in pursuing this as I have well-documented case history with regards to my severe rebound effect and the lack of follow up to ensure compliance on the part of the drug company and my rheumatologist.
I get a call every month from the makers of Forteo to check on my progress.
Given the inherent risk and history of Prolia's disastrous consequences, I would have expected more diligence on their part.
Hi, I'm also in the UK and very interested in this. I had 6 denosumab (prolia) injections, the final one in September 2017. Bone density scores were good in December 2017 and in February 2018 the hospital put me on a "drug holiday", stating they would review in December 2018. The first spontaneous vertebral fracture was August 2018 & I suffered a total of 8 between August & November 2018. What with 2 vertebroplasty/kyphoplasty procedures, continuing pain, massive restrictions on activities etc this has had a major negative impact on my life. As far as I'm aware, the hospital concerned is still in the process of "reviewing its procedures" which is disconcerting. I know of at least one other case similar to mine.
I am very sorry to read your news and distressed your local hospital is still "reviewing its procedures”.
I made a formal complaint to the hospital I was under, the process took some time, in January of this year I went to a face-to-face meeting at the hospital, before this meeting went ahead I had to agree that I would not share the details of the meeting (other than family, solicitors, Ombudsman). At the end of the meeting I realised my options where except I had gone as far as I wanted, go to the Ombudsman or take legal action.
I am now interested in exploring some sort of group legal challenge. I’m in England. I did talk to the specialist nurses on the Royal Osteoporosis Society helpline on two –three occasions to help me sort out in my own mind how one could show that it was the stopping of Prolia and not that the fractures have happened because of have Osteoporosis re ‘Cummings et al’ report.
Posy White
I don't think that anyone disputes that the fractures are a "rebound" effect of Denosumab in my case. I actually had extensive tests to rule out the (scary) possibility of some form of bone cancer. While diagnosed with osteoporosis in 1999, I had never previously had an osteoporotic fracture. I'm now under another hospital, the not very local "centre of excellence" which has a specialist osteoporosis clinic as opposed to seeing rheumatologists at the original hospital. I'm interested in the May 2017 policy statement by the manufacturers, and what they actually said about "alternative treatments" after finishing a course of prolia. Do you have a link to this please? I'm a member of the ROS but haven't seen much about this problem either on their website or in the magazine.
If the hospital concerned has admitted to this then you are fine to make a claim. In my case 'everyone' other than the local hospital thinks my fractures are due to rebound they sighed the 'Cummings et al’ report. I had Denosumab for 5 years improved and moved into the Osteopenia range; prior to the rebound damaged I had two hairline fractures in my left foot due to a very nasty cycling accident ten years eariler.
I got the information about when Europe and the UK took on the manufactures advice from ROS, there is some information now about ‘not having a holiday from Prolia’ on the ROS website. I got the information about the manufactures advice from USA they include the warning in the Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) in May 2017. However they have updated the information since. The website
Prolia - Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) - (eMC)
I'll have a search and see if I can find the eariler PIL
Posy White
I spoke to 2 legal firms in Canada and they seemed disinterested in taking this on, I think there might have to be an initiation in the U.S. OR EUROPE.
I would also be very interested in pursuing this as I have well-documented case history with regards to my severe rebound effect and the lack of follow up to ensure compliance on the part of the drug company and my rheumatologist.
I get a call every month from the makers of Forteo to check on my progress.
Given the inherent risk and history of Prolia's disastrous consequences, I would have expected more diligence on their part.
Saw another advertisement on TV yesterday promoting Prolia; although they have a shopping list of disclaimers (side-effects), these were not covered or even discussed with me by my former internist, Dr John Fiedler of Elgin,IL, & do not begin to tell the whole story; I hold him responsible as well.
Wud like to get a mal-practice going against this "drug-happy" physician.
Where do you live? Can you get the media interested? Or lawmakers (government)?
Interesting point, I work in Broadcast and media,(Live in Vancouver) but it never really occurred to me,
I'll give that a whirl.
I have left this reply on another thread
The poster ( healthunlocked.com/boneheal... ) didn't mention possibility of lawsuit but did say her husband is on dialysis as a result of Prolia reaction:
There are rumblings on this site about trying to get a class action suit started against Amgen re Prolia. I doubt that we can do much on the site itself, but it's worth creating a private chat group including people who have created or replied to posts like this:
( this thread healthunlocked.com/boneheal...
And this is just for starters - you'll find this question has been raised a number of times recently.
Just looked up prolia lawsuit on Facebook. Worth having a look.