I would like to hear from anyone on Prolia who had an extraction and details of how long on Prolia and since injections are six mont interval, what month away from injection did you have extraction? Possible necrosis has me worried. Some dentists will not do it.
Prolia and needing extraction - Bone Health and O...
Prolia and needing extraction
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Well..if I were a dentist, I wouldn't do it either. Prolia has a bad rep. when it comes to this, because it's true. I have osteoporosis and have decided to NEVER take any of these crazy bone meds. I'm sorry you got talked into doing this. I have no info. for you in regards to how long to wait, but I would say to get off of Prolia and all other bone meds ASAP. A study that was posted on here at one time said that only 15% of people with osteoporosis have fractures...I'll take my chances!
sweetsusie Unfortunately one can't just come off Prolia as there's a possibility of "rebound osteoporosis" when it's discontinued. If coming off Prolia the patient should take a different OP drug until the after effects of Prolia have gone away. IMO Prolia should never be offered as a first line OP medication and should only be used in serious cases where there is no alternative as the patient is likely going to have to stay on it for life. This, unfortunately, is of no help to Jayge who I think is trying to find a way to safely have some necessary dental work done.
Hi, I was taking Prolia for 18 months and had 3rd injection July 2017. I was due one in Jan 2018. I developed two abcesses in lower 4th tooth which was part of a 3 tooth bridge in Dec 2017 and dentist told me to stay off Prolia for six month and not to take the next due injection four weeks later. On 31st March I had back pain and was locked in pain...had MRI which showed up 2 fractures in L1 and L2 spine. I was told in Oct 2018 fractures were due to bone regression which happens once you cease taking Prolia but INEVER KNEW THIS COULD HAPPEN BEFORE STOPPING OR EVEN WHEN I WAS FIRST PUT ON THIS INJECTION AND IT IS NOT STATED ON INJECTION PACKET. DENTIST NEVER TOLD ME EITHER.
The Dental Hospital in Dublin which trains dentists would not remove tooth and suggested I go to a private surgeon specialist to have tooth removed in July 2018 with the least amount of trauma. It cost me 400 Euro and was successful thank God. I then returned to Dental Hospital in September 2018 and they put in a dental implant for two teeth with powder bone graft. I have to return to Dental Hospital in late Jan 2019 to ensure it was successful and then get the top cap fitted for a crown.
I went to osteoporisis unit in hospital and they suggested taking Forteo or PTH to heal fractures and I inject nightly and feel I'm improving since I started in October 2018.
In August 2018 I got swelling on my left middle finger and after 8 weeks was hospitalised for a week on intra venous antibiotics every 6 hours as they feared an infection. I then went on a month of 18 antibiotics daily and physiotherapy. I returned to hand surgeon and then referred again to rheumatologist specialist who just this week told me I have psoriatic arthritis. I'm in shock and very upset as I never had psorisis...exzema due to nickel ear rings in my late teens but perfect skin. He says the psorisis is in the bone joints. I keep thinking that the Prolia and back fractures triggered this auto immune problem. I've been prescribed injections now of mexatrexate and the side effects like skin rashes, rhinitis, stuffy nose, hair loss, stomach pain, mouth ulcers, inflammation, breathlessness are very frightening. I'm in denial and shock and very depressed as the side effects of all these drugs are worse than the initial problem and so little support for women who are given Hopson's Choice.
Has anyone experience of MEXATREXATE INJECTIONS 15mg weekly? Is is prescribed for rheumatroid and psoriatic arthritis but no trial studies suggest it has any effect but PEOPLE's opinions and doctors record favourable results.
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