Should I contact my dr about stopping prolia ahead of my appointment
I plan on stopping prolia after one i... - Bone Health and O...
I plan on stopping prolia after one injection, my appt for the next is later this month. Should I contact my, or just tell her then.

If you're only going for your injection, why don't you ring the practice, leave a message for the Dr and let them decide whether to cancel the appt or not, otherwise you could find yourself wasting your time and theirs, good luck
You probably are going to have rebound fractures beginning around 8-12 weeks after the missed shot unless you have previously taken something like Phosamax.
From what I understand, the longer I use it the worst the chances increase of becoming worse
That is my understanding as well. I have contacted my doctor AND been into his office. My shot is due now; no response from him. I feel like a sitting duck.
seacrab, it's been a while now since my only injection. My followup was with the nurse. She was totally understanding, but my last visit was with my dr., and she was not happy with my decision. But that IS mine to make. I'm not that hard to get along with normally but the only info I got was what i researched and that was enough to make me take my chances.
I don't want on any of these products.
even my gp nurse agreed with me.
Yes..let them know you're not coming in..and good for you for making the decision to NOT take these bone meds...I believe they should all be taken off the market.
By all means please notify your doctor. I hate Prolia but you need a backup plan. I delayed for a few weeks and experienced 6 compression fractures of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. This has resulted in greatly reduced mobility so please proceed with caution!
Same for me just underwent verteoplasty L5 and sacroplasty, both as the result of Prolia discontinuation,
be very sure to have a alternative treatment ready.
Thank u. I am increasing my exercise. But don't want on ANY type of " bone enhancement " anymore. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be short, but am so aggravated that I fell into this web of deceit and lack of informations!
Wishing you the best. I stopped Prolia after 3 injections. Started Fosamax weekly last month. My original T score was not that bad at -2.6 but my gynecologist put the pressure on me to start Prolia and I caved in.
My plan is to stop Fosamax soon. I have an appointment in November with my Primary doc as i fired my gynecologist.
I started taking K2 6 months ago. You should look into it.
What were your original T scores?
There is a Prolia Facebook group and someone said their doctor told them that the vertebrae fractures are more common with people who have more severe osteoporosis. I don't know if that is true. I can't find any research on this.
What your doctor says is not true. I started Prolia in 2013 when I was 53, active, and had never had a fracture. My Lumbar Spine T-score was -2.4. My doctor stopped it in 2017 when my score was -2.0 without putting me on anything else. Now I have 10 vertebral fractures with disabling pain.
I stopped taking Prolia because of a femur fracture after my second injection. The osteoporosis clinic did not put me on any bisphosphanates coming off it as they were also concerned if Actonel which I was on for several years played a role in the fracture as well. I fear the rebound fractures & I pray often that I will be ok. I should have had an injection December 1st 2018.
I am trying to control my osteoporosis with nutrition & exercise now.
I had me surgery for the intramedullary rod 12 weeks ago today & heading back to work tomorrow.
I am still upset that I was convinced to go on Prolia. We trust that our doctors know what is best for us.
Hi Pronomoe,
I tend to agree with Birdmama. See your doctor. As I understand it you have had one injection and will not be having the second injection at the end of this month. Be mindful that rebound vertebral fractures can occur if you stop taking Prolia and do not continue with another OP drug.
I do not know if this may happen as you have had only one injection but worth trying to find out if at all possible.
I have done a lot of research, unfortunately, after the 1st injection. I have been pursurated of this for yrs. when I finally gave in, I was given no info or warnings. I asked a few questions but was schrugged off and followed my dr's suggestions.
It sucks doesn't it? I had a lucky escape. Prolia was recommended to me after strontium ranelate was withdrawn and I was gutted. (I asked to be put on SR). I refused to take Prolia because of possible side effecs of joint pain as I suffer with this daily due to osteoarthritis. My doctor agreed with my decision and then told me about the rebound vertebral fractures on stopping this drug. Phew. So relieved I never took this drug from what I now hear from others.
I too am not going to have a second prolia injection. I put off having the prolia for couple of years as read all the side effects etc. After breaking my hip last year my gp kept at me to take prolia or risk ending up in wheelchair. I finally gave in and had the injection in May this year. But I had bone muscle pain,fatigue,chest pain and came out in itchy red rash all over. Felt like I had been hit by truck. Dr said I have lupus as well. After several months of test he has told me not to have the next injection as he thinks it's a reaction to prolia. I am worried about rebound fractures now but Dr claims to not know anything about it. So now I am just taking vitamins and trying to exercise and hope I don't break anymore bones. Last two years I fractured my femur, ribs, spine, fingers and hip. Very frustrating that Dr just prescribed without giving any information and just dismissed any of my concerns telling me not to google.
Sorry about your situation. What is so bad is that the dr's should be more informed and the tell their patients of all the reasons for concern.who can we put our trust in if not our drs!?
Hi diana, I think your doctor should do some research instead of being so dismissive and telling you not to google! Very frustrating indeed!
Hi Have you gone off Prolia. If so what have you done. I was rail-roaded into Prolia while I was in shock over my diagnosis. No blood tests or anything! I hate in and am only 2 weeks in. So much hip pain and feel I am so tired all the time. I need help to get out of this and find a specialist who can help me.
I started Prolia in 2013 when I was 53, active, and had never had a fracture. My Lumbar Spine T-score was -2.4. My doctor stopped it in 2017 when my score was -2.0 without putting me on anything else. Now I have 10 vertebral fractures with disabling pain.