Does anybody have an answer as to how I can straighten my back. I have fractures from T8 to S1 with T11s spared. It is extremely painful to straighten naturally.
Curved spine: Does anybody have an... - Bone Health and O...
Curved spine

You should get advice from a professional, probably an experienced physiotherapist, but I can tell you about an acquaintance of mine who was bent double. Then she got some Nordic walking poles and the instructor viewed her as a star pupil. She can't quite straighten up all the way, and she has to adapt the way she uses her poles, but she definitely stands straighter now.
This had never occurred to me, I have just been referred to my Physio again and I will bring the subject up. Thank you for your suggestion. I was shocked by the rate of change, it seems to have happened over such a short time. Thanks again.
I am not at all sure but wondered if an expert in the Alexander Technique would be able to help you. I wish I could have found someone years ago who practiced this but unfortunately there was no one anywhere near where I lived.
You do need to see a professional experienced in treating people with OP. At my worst I was given breathing exercises to try to breathe space between vertebrae until I was well enough for treatment.
Physios who practice hydrotherapy say the pressure of being in the water can have a similar effect hence the pain relief.
Nordic walking is also brilliant. As with everything you need to be taught the technique to avoid making things worse. Our local NHS trust has a programme of exercise accessed via GPs which includes Nordic walking starting at a v gentle level. Best way of finding out what is available is to join a social group which has members of a similar age or older than you - they will a mine of useful information on all sorts of matters and you meet new people to boot.
I hope you find something which suits you.