This may be of interest if you take Protelos
Protelos is being withdrawn - Bone Health and O...
Protelos is being withdrawn

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Hi Jess, this is bad news for the people who get on well with this drug,including your truly,thanks for the information.
You should still be able to get the natural form of strontium, strontium citrate. The other was a patented artificial form so someone could make money. Forgive my cynicism....
Citrate has not been studied to the same extent as ranelate (I wonder why?) but I did find this:
is striontium being withdrawn and do you know why
Hi Susan,
Sadly, SR is being withdrawn at the end of this month.
Due to cardiovascular scares not so long ago, more for those over 80 years of age who are practically bedridden, although therewill of course be exceptions with any age, medics were not promoting SR and patients did not wish to have it prescribed to them.
I have enough sachets to last until the middle of October ......
zif you haven't taken them back I would like them I tried everything including zondronic acid never again so ill on it and it didn't work sr was my last resort and its been great for me dreading finishing and going back to being crippled again with osteoporosis and pain with artheritis don't know how you would get them to me though
I saw my doctor at the hospital in the endocrinology department for OP today and he told me that I can continue with the strontium ranelate - it was not a problem. So my GP should continue renewing my repeat prescription as he was been authorised to do this by the doctor at the hospital January 2016. He did not say it was going to be totally withdrawn and he should know. If the repeat prescription stops I shall be on the phone to the doctors secretary at the hospital. I see him again in 6 months.
Servier have said that they will cease distribution in August 2017 so you may find it difficult to find after that Kaarina. I have been taking SR.since 2006 and have recently been diagnosed with two spinal fractures so I have decided to try something else. I have an appointment with the rheumatologist in June and will decide what to do then.
Hi Jess,
Yes, should be interesting. I go back to see the doctor in October. It has also been suggested to me that if I have had another fracture which I believe I may have had, due to a very heavy fall last August, that when I have an x-ray or another test which the hospital has not got up and running yet and if it comes back that I did fracture (I already have fractured once years ago) then it will be suggested that I go on to denosumab. Not sure about that one yet ..... anyway I shall see how things go.
Hi Kaarina.... I'm not sure about denusomab either but I think it'll be either that or zolendronic acid for me. I did have an infusion of Pamidronate eleven years ago when first diagnosed and it seemed ok apart from the flu like symptoms for a couple of days, so I think I may go for Zol. I didn't know about my fractures before the scan, no falls or sudden pain, so I feel a change of medication is called for. I do hope you haven't fractured again. Take care.
Combination of Micronutrients for Bone Study: Bone Density after Micronutrient Intervention.
Denosumab is more poisonous to the osteoclasts than the bisphosphonates. I believe osteoclasts are part of the immune system so before taking it, it might be good idea to make sure denosumab will not harm your immune system.
why is strontium being withdrawn
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