I have noticed quite a lot of hair loss over the last 4 years since starting a 70mg weekly Aledronic Acid. This could just be a coincidence, but has anyone experienced the same? Any advice on how to lessen this hair loss,?
Hair thinning since being on Aledroni... - Bone Health and O...
Hair thinning since being on Aledronic Acid

Hi,I was on AA for 5 years and I did find I had a bit of hair loss and thinning in first 6 months, I was also low in calcium & vit d so blamed that as well,it did get better and is fine now,hope it sorts itself out for you.
Hi Golf 123. I have not been on AA but have also found hair texture has changed and thinned. I did have thick curly hair. Now wavy and very fine. I was low in Vit D and am wondering whether the combination of low Vit D and pain relief used during fractures combined with the stress caused to our bodies has contributed to my hair thinning. Hope yours improves soon
No for me, at least so far( 6 months with Risedronate 35mg weekly)
I only took AA for 8 weeks before REMS scan which confirmed I did not have OP. The drug caused hair loss, an eye twitch and awful joint pain. I felt extremely unwell.
I hope the suggestions in the other replies help you.
Very interesting posts. If we can summon the energy, we should all fill in Yellow Cards to report side effects like this. They are massively under reported, and it helps others.
Yes my hair fell out at an alarming rate. I think its a known side effect.
Yes I have also noticed my hair becoming progressively thinner over the last couple of years, I have recently completed 5 years of Alendronic acid and am now on monthly injections of Evenity. I don’t know if this new drug will continue to cause my hair to thin.
My hairdresser today has recommended I try Nioxin system 2 hair care which I am going to look into, it’s worth a try. I lost my hair several years ago due to chemotherapy so being able to see my scalp yet again through my thin hair is quite distressing.
Maybe if you try the Nioxin system too we can swap progress reports.
I had hair falling out with Ist Prolia shot. Now 6 mths taking Risedronate and so far ok. Strange how our bodies react.
I have had alopecia for years and the only thing that helps is Caffeine based shampoos such as Palantir Green which is the best so far. I have been trying to get some bald spots covered and this has really helped