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26 Replies

I'm new here just been diagnosed with osteoporosis after falling and having a broken foot since Feb 2016 had bone denisty scan and was told Monday. Benn given calcium tablets and Alendronic Acid one a week, need to know what the best to do and what questions I need to ask my GP

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26 Replies
HeronNS profile image

You could read through the posts on here, as over the past few days a number of people have asked very similar questions and elicited various replies. I'll just say that I feel no matter what your choice regarding the medications, you should really also do everything possible to strengthen your bones through nutrition, supplements and appropriate exercise.

Well if you have fractures you need the treatment, also walk, take a yogurt a day and make sure your shoes are comfortable and supportive.

S-a- profile image
S-a- in reply to

Thanks but what youghts as I broke my foot and it's still healing what exercises can I do to help Gill

HeronNS profile image

I'm remembering the bones clinic I attended last summer. One of the things they told us was when determining future fracture risk they DO NOT COUNT broken bones in hands or feet because they are so small and vulnerable anyway. I had a tibial plateau fracture and this did count, although because of the circumstances of the break I've always questioned that it was a "fragility" fracture. Since reducing my dose of prednisone and through nourishment and exercise improving my t-scores, they are no longer recommending medications (which I never took). :)

Make sure you have a source of Vitamin K2 (not K1 which although important does little for the bones) as well as magnesium and the usual calcium and vitamin D. Weight bearing exercise is essential, as Suzuki says, go walking!

Kaarina profile image

Hi S-a-

I would ask your GP for a Vit D blood test to find out your level. You are entitled to this having been diagnosed with OP. Not that many GP's are versed about OP so it is best, as well as asking questions, to read up and learn about it yourself.

Do you know why you have developed OP? For instance, hereditary, taking certain medications for a long time, anorexia etc.

The GP has to offer you AA in the first instance and then another bisphosphonate if that one does not agree with you. This medication as I understand it, is the cheapest too. ;)They also dish out the calcium/Vit tablets as well. I discussed the latter with my GP and it was decided I have enough calcium in my daily diet so he only prescribes the Vit D tabs for me now .

It may help if you give the NOS helpline a call and speak with one of the nurses. They are most helpful.

Weight bearing exercise, (walking is a good all round one to do) is best for OP, good diet and supplements. The NOS have lots of leaflets, booklets that you can download from their site or send off for which makes for good reading.

You will find the NOS publications here: and the helpline number at the top of each page of their website.

S-a- profile image
S-a- in reply to Kaarina

Hi don't know how I developed op GP didn't say, though it was because of broken foot. He said I have a fractured femma in hip. Need to make another appointment to see if there is any where I could be referred to ? Thanks gills

S-a- profile image

Great answers will make appointment with GP and ask for VD blood tests . I Broke my foot plaster on for weeks,then boot plaster until Nov, had a Bone denisty scan and the results were osteoporosis and I have a fractured femur.all new to me.thanks Gill

Kaarina profile image
Kaarina in reply to S-a-

Poor you. Exercise is not really on the agenda for you at the moment as you are still healing.

Dorsetlass2300 profile image

Hi Gills my journey is very similar to yours. I broke 3 bones in my foot last March and it all led to a bone density scan and medication. I supposedly have it in my spine 2:7. I was referred to a podiatrist for my foot ( up until June it was considered pulled ligaments. Third time of asking had my foot scanned. Broken! Fortunately it mended well!) Then I got some supports which I wear in my walking boots/shoes even though my bones are well mended. I was not sure about the medication but decided in the end to take the Alendronic Acid but do everything else through diet and exercise. I see a nutrionist who advises on calcium supplements and others. Heron NS is very knowledgeable on this- K2 important. I do some weight bearing exercises for arms, wrists, back etc. Considering yoga but not got there yet! Good luck.

S-a- profile image
S-a- in reply to Dorsetlass2300

Hi thanks for your knowledge I started my Alendronic Acid today also got 500 calcium to take every day, feel a bit sick after them though, but all this does the trick I will carry on. I was diagnosed with fractured femma near hip and GP old me try not to fall again😌I would like to know wether I should be referred to hospital to get some advice etc, no help from GP at the moment what help if any did you get x gills

Dorsetlass2300 profile image
Dorsetlass2300 in reply to S-a-

Hi my GP prescribed the pills and left me to it. However I too felt sick with the calcium tablets. The second lot the GP prescribed were better. Meanwhile a nutritionist was recommended to me who I went to see privately. She prescribed a smaller dose of calcium as well Vitamin D, Vitamin K2 and magnesium. She is also helping me to improve my blood sugar so there have been additional benefits. I eat lots of calcium rich foods as well as oily fish, dairy with full fat, nuts and seeds. You may find your GP can refer you to a local gym/leisure centre if you say you want advice on exercise. I was contacted by my local Osteoporosis group which I have attended. Lots of information and comforting to talk to other people in the same situation. It is a bit of a shock at first but in time you will become more knowledgeable and confident in how to manage it all. Unfortunately not all GP's know much about osteoporosis which is why this forum is so good. X

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to S-a-

I wonder if you can see a physiotherapist who has good knowledge of osteoporosis. S/he may be able to suggest ways you can develop your strength even while you can't walk. Anything which stresses the muscles will help the bones to some extent, as muscles pull on the bones. So while it's not as ideal as weight bearing exercise, it is worth doing. There are several different kinds of calcium, calcium citrate is often well tolerated. Take it when you have food, although you do have to be careful not to take it with most kinds of medicine or even other supplements! Best, if you can, to take it in two smaller doses a day as you will probably absorb it better, but that can get difficult when juggling other supplements and meds! For example, I take my prednisone with breakfast and have iron then (I'm anemic and take the steroid for polymyalgia). Then I have my second iron dose at lunch, and calcium at supper and with a snack shortly before bedtime.

S-a- profile image

Thanks I can walk now a little unsteady through, my broken foot is healing. I must start short walks again when spring comes.😊 Just don't understand how I got osteoporosis and is if for life. Dr don't explain or give out any reasons etc. Only tablets to take.

Kaarina profile image
Kaarina in reply to S-a-

Hi S-a-

I am afraid the dx of OP is for life unless you can change the dx by diet, exercise and medication, if you take it, as some prefer not to do so. That is why it is advised to have dexa scans every few years to see if things have got better, worse or stayed the same.

You are right, doctors are generally most unhelpful regarding OP and just dish out the pills and show you the door.

You can read up about it and learn lots from this forum, the NOS forum that closed in January this year but you can still read all the postings. There is also the NOS helpline you can call and speak with a nurse and ask anything you like re OP. There are also lots of leaflets on the NOS site you can download or ask for them to be sent to you.

There is help out there but you have to find it yourself, I am afraid, which is a shame because not everyone is able to be so.

There are many reasons why we get OP, one being on certain medications for a long time, being anorexic sometime or other, being small boned, and it can also be hereditary or breaking bones/fracture with or without a fall. These are a few examples or how one can be dx with OP.

I hope your doctor checked your Vit D levels.

S-a- profile image
S-a- in reply to Kaarina

Hi thank you for all the help and support you have given me. I now take vit and K2 which I purchased myself. GP told me to go to gym with his referral, don't know what else to do. DR hasent checked my VIT D level. How do I print from now site, as I've tried to click on but was unsuccessful. Thanks for all your help. Gill.

Kaarina profile image
Kaarina in reply to S-a-

Hi Gill

Here is the link to the NOS Publications:

You can either read them on line but if you wish to have a hard copy of any of them, you can contact NOS and request copies to be sent to you. Below are different ways in which you can contact NOS.

If you wish to print any out yourself, once you have found the publication you want, press file and print.

GENERAL ENQUIRIES (and to order publications)


T: 01761 471771

Mon–Thu 9.00m–4.30pm

Fri 9.00am–4.00pm


(Questions about osteoporosis and bone health,

information and support from specialist nurses)


T: FREEPHONE 0808 800 0035

Mon, Weds, Thurs, Fri 9.00am – 5pm.

Tues 9am – 7pm

Hope that helps.

Hope your day goes well.

S-a- profile image
S-a- in reply to Kaarina

Hi thanks for your help you have helped me a lot, will try it now and let you know how I've got on. Gill

Kaarina profile image
Kaarina in reply to S-a-

You are most welcome Gill. I am pleased to hopefully have been of some help. We look forward to hearing how you go on. :)

Do not hesitate to post again any time, should you have any questions. :)

Look after yourself.

Remember knowledge is power (especially where osteoporosis is concerned!) ;)

S-a- profile image
S-a- in reply to Kaarina

Very true 😄

S-a- profile image

Hi I am awaiting to start a gym been advised by GP for some light exercise, will let you know he w it goes👌🏻

Jennymary profile image

Hi all, after reading your advice regarding exercise, here in Bristol there is a Gp referral scheme for exercise called Active Choices, maybe worth looking to see if there's any similar schemes in your area good luck

S-a- profile image

Hi thanks for your.

Reply asked GP about similar schemes, in Merthyr tydfil,he said there wasn't any.

mandynelson50 profile image

Hi, appreciate you may well be sorted out but thought id add my own thoughts. Have you been referred to an osteoporosis clinic firstly, and did they suggest orthotics if not might be worth mentioning these to your GP if not already done so. You dont mention your age, depending on your age there are different types of medication, ie post or pre menopausal. Any exercise should be done with caution and I would recommend waiting until given given an all clear by an orthopaedic consultant if possible or similar, who will know the healing stage of your bone as it goes through various stages of a healing process and exercise at the wrong stage can be detrimental to the healing, prolong the process and can lead to re-fracture. Osteoposis can be caused by various situations, heridatory, due to an illness or extreme dieting at an earlier stage in life, etc. Hopefully you found the information on the NOS site helpful and are well healed now.

S-a- profile image
S-a- in reply to mandynelson50

Hi thank you for your knowledge,haven't been referred to anywhere asked GP about being able to go and ask questions etc, was told no need. As long as I take medication and await for another Bone Density scan. In a year. I was 60 when diagnosed now 61. Gills

mandynelson50 profile image

I'd push for referral I was in my 40s when diagnosed. Xox

S-a- profile image
S-a- in reply to mandynelson50

Thank you will do if I can get a Dr appointment

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