I am a 29 year mom of two i was put on blood pressure medication by my gynae some health practitioners argued that with a bp average of 134/85 and not swelling it was a bit too early to put me on bp meds anyway i was put on nifedipine 30mg after delivery and my blood pressure was controlled is there anyone like me who struggles with the diagnosis and gets overly obsessed with blood pressure readings and numbers i get really scared when i see the blood pressure monitor at the hospital and my heart starts racing form 84 beats per minute to 120 beats per minute.
29 in Denial and confused: I am a 2... - High Blood Pressu...
29 in Denial and confused

yes that’s me - any sign of a blood pressure machine sends my readings sky high, they then make a big deal out of it & it makes me even worse. I’m better at home, taking my own readings x
Buy yourself a home BP monitor. I’m not worried about my BP but I have white coat syndrome - if my doctor takes my BP it is sky high. So I take it regularly at home and show her the readings and it’s always good. I am medicated though.
Secondly, blood pressure is something that is looked at over a period of time. No one should be diagnosed as having high blood pressure after a single reading. A single reading of high blood pressure or even a couple of days of it is ok. It’s not immediately life threatening unless it os excessively high, and you have a compromised heart or other major health issues.
If I was you, I recommend going r your normal doctor and talking to them about your station and that you’re not sure about your diagnoses.