I used to have high bp whenever it was checked . After trying different meds at different times of day I now have very low readings early in the day but it rises as the day goes on until it is really high again in the evening. The GP keeps changing medications but all it does is lower morning levels.Has anyone else experienced this?
Blood Pressure very low early in day,... - High Blood Pressu...
Blood Pressure very low early in day, too high Latheron.

I always take my pressures at roughly the same time each day so that the readings are consistent with each other, so I haven’t experienced your problem. To my knowledge. Further information might be gained from the specialist charity Blood Pressure UK.
my blood pressure isn’t yet properly controlled. I have to send in readings again to GP next week. I take readings at approx 10 am and 10pm. My BP considerably higher in evening. I assume tiredness plus I take medication at bedtime so maybe pretty ineffective after almost 24 hours - that will depend on type of medication obviously
unless otherwise advised, I’d ignore the readings taken so close to your next tablet. You might find something helpful on the website of Blood Pressure UK, the specialist charity.
Different medications work different ways, and your pharmacist might have something pertinent to say if yo are on good terms with him/her.
Yes.Its night time hypertension with me. Ok for weeks then suddenly another crisis and get taken to A & E again. Still trying to get right balance of meds. I'm a bit meds sensitive a nd get all side effects. Also out on Beta Blockers which lower my heart rate too much. Trying to wean off of them now. Had Candesartan raised to 8mg. to compensate.Its a co stand battle.
Yes I get ISH bp.Isolated Systolic Hypertension. My bp always rises in evening no matter what ti.e I take meds. Always higher systolic Dystolic remains the same.e