Anyone taking Indapamide 2.5mg for bp control? Dr put me on these a week ago due to adverse side effects to Amlopodine and Lercanipidine. My bp after week is 145/88 was on occasion 180/100. So far the seem ok just maybe peeing once during night and some pounding heart beat in ears. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Indapamide 2.5mg: Anyone taking... - High Blood Pressu...
Indapamide 2.5mg

Hi there Shadynook, my elderly Mum has just been prescribed Indapamide because of swollen ankles and feet, she's only taken two so far. When I went to see her today, her legs looked a little swollen and are quite red and blotchy. We've decided to wait two or three days to see if there's a difference one way or another before I phone the doctor again. Her bp readings have been ok one was as low as 129/68. No other side effects as yet, she has a catheter fitted and seems to pee quite a lot anyway. She's also taking Filodipine which was the cause of the swelling. If there's no sign of it getting any better the doc says it will be back to the drawing board and trying something different. Good luck with your meds.
Indapamide is a water pill, so it follows that there would be more urination. The "pounding heart beat in ears" is a concern lest the drug is causing arrhythmia. Certainly monitor that factor.
Suggest you do a search on this site for Indapamide as there are a number of threads about this which may be helpful.
After 3 different class of drugs to lower my slightly elevated bp I am going down the alternative route. I am taking apple cider vinegar, beetroot juice, walking every day, cutting out unhealthy food and trying to remain calm. All these meds have caused my anxiety to increase apart from giving me acid reflux and indigestion, itching, palpitations, constipation, I could go on!!! My doctor has given me Losartan 5mg to try but I’m giving myself 2 weeks off any meds, checking my body 3 times a day and will take it from there.
I feel exactly the same..BP meds lower my sodium levels ,between the devil and the deep sea.