I’ve been on Amlodipine 10mg a day with no review for nearly two years. During that time, and I think gradually, I’ve developed silent acid reflux which is now a problem. Has anyone else had this? Is it a side effect? I’m going to do a week of BP readings to convince the doctor of average reading and then might have dosage reduced. my BP is now 123/76. I’m 65 and otherwise pretty healthy. Advice?
Acid reflux, a side effect? - High Blood Pressu...
Acid reflux, a side effect?

I’ve got a lower average reading than this and doc won’t reduce my medication. And I’m ten years older than you.Have a look at Blood Pressure UK website for more info, or seek advice from your pharmacist
Seems like a really good reading, similar problem with lercanidipine ! Do check with your GP it’s so uncomfortable. Good luck
Hello Ruthwuth. I was prescribed Amlodipine and it worked great for me - no side effects, just much-needed lower blood pressure ... but every time I tried to eat a meal, I would get maybe a quarter of the way through and then the acid reflux would begin. I would have to retire (quickly!) to the bathroom, there to keep spitting up all the excess saliva before finally managing to throw up a thick, clear substance that I took (correctly, as it turned out) to be stomach acid. The problem happens when the Amlodipine, in addition to relaxing your blood vessels, also relaxes a ring of muscle that normally allows food into your stomach while, at the same time, making sure the stomach acid doesn't leak out into the esophagus. I mentioned this to my doctor, who said that such a thing SHOULDN'T happen, but then again "we're all different." She then changed me to a different medication and the acid reflux went away. Right now, I can't remember the last time I had it - quite an improvement, given that at one point it was happening every day. A friend of mine once told me to try Tums ... but as you yourself know, this problem isn't something that can be treated with an OTC product.
Thanks for your reply. I had reached the same conclusion but it’s not listed as a side effect so wasn’t sure. I’m having an endoscopy next week; wait and see… Trying to maintain good diet but nothing particular triggers it.
I have suffered from this a long time - way before I took Amlodipine. I cured mine by ditching coffee which I drank a lot of. I can get away with decaf as long as I don’t do lots of it. The minute I treat myself to coffee for a few days back comes the reflux. My wife (no BP issues) had similar issues which went as soon as she stopped it. I’d just say rule out all the food and drink possibilities before you change something that’s obviously working for you
Thanks for your reply. I can’t isolate anything that triggers it. Hope I’ll get some better advice following an endoscopy next week.
Yes, it is a commonly experienced side effect, regardless of what the docs say. I have gastritis, had it for some years, caused by excessive stomach acid, and have been on low dose (at night only) fomitidine to keep it controlled - I did find amlodopine meant increased acid, and therefore an increased dose of fomitidine too. My GP said amlodopine was not connected with acid/heartburn, but my pharmacist confirmed it can increase acid production. Hope the gastroscopy goes well...
Hi, I had the same problem with Amlodopine, and I am not a coffee drinker & only drink decaff tea and do not like spicy foods. The only other time I have had acid reflux was when I was pregnant both times. So I looked online and found that, apparently, this seems to be a problem with calcium channel blockers, as most are known to relax the lower oesophageal sphincter in some people. I stopped taking Amlodopine and after a while the acid reflux stopped. The drug didn't lower my blood pressure much either. It seems that every drug I have tried stops working after a while, almost as if my body fights against them, and my BP increases to what it was before taking them, so the doctor just increases the dose, also making the side effects worse. A vicious circle. I am now trying more natural methods.
Thanks, yes seems to be a common problem. Driving me insane. Don’t know if there’s any blood pressure drug that won’t do it as stands to reason if you relax the arteries then other things like sphincters are also going to relax!
I would encourage you to try eating wholefoods diet and exercise, I had bad side effects with amlodipine and other meds to lower my blood pressure and I got fed up with side effects and tried the above successfully, today my blood pressure is good and I will continue with my lifestyle change for good. It so good to be fit and healthy without the side effects
Been vegetarian and whole foods for 30 years, regularly walk and jog. I think it’s stress with me and I haven’t found a way to crack that!
Another thing to try could be to make a note of the foods that make your acid reflux worse and eliminate them for a month at least to see if there's any change. Then you can slowly reintroduce them and see what happens, I have read somewhere that avoiding shop bought sauces ,fizzy drinks and processed foods which are acidic and aggravate the acid reflux. I hope you find something that could help.goid luck
Thanks. Yes I’ve got the Acid Watch book which gives advice: no caffeine, alcohol, fatty foods, chocolate, raw onion and garlic nor tomatoes of any kind! I’m managing but I’m not convinced it’s food related… I think the sphincter is relaxing when it shouldn’t. I hope to rule something out after the endoscopy. Thanks for responding.
+I have to take esomeprazole 20mg with my BP meds otherwise I suffer with extreme ly painful reflux.These are supplied on prescription with the BP meds and theyare the only thing that works for me .Otc antacids have proven to be totally ineffective. Hope this helps.
Hi , I had massive GI probs with BP med. however, I started receiving the med after COVID infection in 2020. A pharmacist here in the States told me she takes a BP med, gets GI issues with it, and solves that by taking a heartburn med at the same time. I started using famotidine, a daily type of heartburn med. Since I have Long COVID, I am not in a position to stop the BP med. But I did change Drs, and my current Dr cut the BPmed dose in half, which reduced 5 symptoms. So I had side effects for sure! I recommend changing Drs if you are not being believed.
Thank you. I have a telephone appointment next week to discuss it all. Hoping to reduce BP med or change to a different type. Of course that may not solve the acid reflux but it’s a start.
yup same for me with amlodopine, I'm on 5mg fise which has lowered my Bo but refkux/ etc can be a constant. I chew a lot of gavascin & have started taking the one a day heartburn pills which work well but don't eliminate it entirely. like you, I don't know what triggers ( wine/ spicy food?) and tbh I can't really be bothered to find out also it's the only amlodopine side effect so, especially given the experience of others, I'm reluctant to change it
HI, I've just come back to this; now on 5mg of Amlodipine rather than 10mg, and really my blood pressure is the same, which is weird! But I'm now getting pains in my legs, which could be related to gaining weight! However, although my reflux is better, I still have a sore lumpy throat, so it's not entirely gone. I wonder if I go down to 2.5mg if it will help! Back to the doctor again, I suppose.