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HBP and Amlodipine

Shelley321 profile image
15 Replies

I am new here.

I have White coat syndrome and PTSD around having my BP taken, this is due to a bad experience many years ago with Pre Eclampsia when pregnant (and now health anxiety in general arising from this)

I am otherwise reasonably fit and well but I visited my GP for a minor knee issue and he asked to take my BP. I panicked immediately and it was very high, I explained the issues and he said that I needed to see the practice nurse for a BP check.

I have had two checks since and it is still high, but when I go there to have it taken or if I do it at home I am terrified. I feel physically sick looking at the monitor. Which I know sounds ridiculous.

The GP prescribed 5mg of Amlodipine, but when it was still high on the second occasion and I couldn't give him any home readings, he has increased it to 10mg which I should start taking tomorrow.

Initially, I had no side effects, but now, after 6 weeks on 5mg, I have a fuzzy headache almost every day. I mentioned it to the nurse and she spoke with the GP and that is why they decided to up the meds.

They have stated that they are unsure if it is a valid reading due to the white coat issue, but want to err on the side of caution. The top readings have varied between 200 and 170.

I am worried that upping the dose will make my fuzzy head worse. I have also been having some flushing/hot neck in the evening, which I think is also connected as prior to starting the medication I had neither of these symptoms. I an 60 and female.

I also have acute sinus issues and the symptoms for that are obviously in the same region of the head/face and so I am not sure what issue is causing what symptoms!

Does anyone have any similar experiences?

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Shelley321 profile image
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15 Replies
Celtic profile image

If you’re having continuing issues with Amlodipine, Shelley, I’m surprised they haven’t suggested trying you on a different medication. I, too, had facial flushing issues on Amlodipine with even more severe side effects - it might suit some but it certainly dorsn’t suit everyone. It does, however, seem to be one of the best at reducing high BP. I fully understand your concerns - my BP is also in the 200’s in spite of taking 3 different meds. All you can do is persevere whilst at the same time trying some form of relaxation or meditation, such as Mindfulness, Yoga or Tai Chi - the latter did seem to have some good effect for me a few years ago. Good luck!

Shelley321 profile image
Shelley321 in reply to Celtic

Thanks for replying. I was surprised that they just increased the dosage but to be fair, I didn't mention the flushing as I only found out it was a side effect by reading this forum today! It isn't mentioned on the packet insert. The nurse said the doctor had increased it because of the headaches.

I don't relax very easily, unlike my husband who is very chilled! I sometimes wake up with my hands clenched and he is incredulous that even when asleep I am not that relaxed!!

Happyrosie profile image

Oh Shelley I’m sorry you have this white coat syndrome. So did I. This is what I used to do in order to get over it:

Sit down for ten minutes, reading something a bit boring, with the cuff in position. Then close your eyes and breathe quietly. Get someone else to press the button and write down the reading without you seeing. NO TALKING. Breathe quietly and gently and then take the readings three times more. Breathing quietly between times. Throw the first reading away, and get your helper to work out the average (or even give you the best reading). Do this later on or the next day, for three days.

By which time you have probably (1) got used to it and (2) have seen how you can bring the BP down yourself just by relaxing and breathing.

Speaking for myself, I suddenly realised that I was in charge of the BP and it was not in charge of me, and I take my pressure monthly at home, by myself, with no problems. No white coat syndrome, and good blood pressures.

Hope you can try this out and find it helpful.

I expect you are a busy lady, but you need to think of yourself and treat yourself kindly.

Shelley321 profile image
Shelley321 in reply to Happyrosie

Thanks for replying.

Good to hear I am not alone with WCS.

I feel so silly when others have a life-threatening illness and I cant have my BP done without being a dithering wreck.

I know I will have to overcome this so I will try relaxation techniques as suggested by the previous poster and also what you have suggested in regard to taking my BP.

springcross profile image

Hi Shelley and welcome to the forum. I take Amlodipine 5 mg too and it causes me some problems but it's the only BP med that works for me so I put up with it. A lot of people get problems with it but there is also a lot of people who don't. Some of these meds take a while to get into the system to settle down so maybe give it a little longer and see how you feel then. I agree with both Celtic and Happyrosie about trying some relaxation or mindfulness, even meditation - you can find some good meditation videos on You Tube - Yoga Nidra is a good place to look and you can even find some guided meditations if you've not done it before. You sound like me with the high BP, mine was almost always fine at home but the minute I knew I had to go to the GP, it would shoot up and they didn't believe me when I said it was because I was there and felt stressed out about it but unfortunately, an illness now means that I have to take them. It's not pleasant having to take these meds but sometimes very necessary. I hope you get on OK, please let us know how you get on.

Shelley321 profile image
Shelley321 in reply to springcross

Thank you, you are all very understanding!

I will pick up the prescription later today for the 10mg and see how it goes side effects-wise for a week or so. The nurse said to take it for 2 weeks and then do a week of home readings and try to conquer the terror....😂easier said than done, but I know I have to overcome this.

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Shelley321

Good luck with it. 🤞 x

Thecyclist profile image

Hi Shelley,

I can totally sympathise, I suffer exactly the same, it is actually a phobia. In your case I suspect it's related to your pre eclampsia experiences, which I can also understand as my wife had it badly with our children and at one point it was life threatening.

So all in all it is no wonder you have this phobia, by the way phobia and PTSD are in the same bracket, an irrational fear (in their present tense) based on past experiences.

I ended up in hospital with a hypertensive crisis after some high readings in the surgery and although I was diagnosed with hypertension, the hospital visit made it 10 times worse, mine topped out at 280/150 wish. Doctors thought I was going to have a stroke at any time. Every time the cuff went on I could feel the adrenaline bursting through my system. Even now I still get it. My consultant ignores all my in surgery readings and goes by my home ones only. I had a 24hr ambulatory one as well, OMG, don't even ask, it was awful. Again they disregarded them.

For me the trick was to just take my BP constantly while at home, I made it "unimportant" if that makes sense. Made it so my mind didn't attach the negative emotions of those past experiences to that moment. Also I learnt to understand it's just a reading of numbers, nothing more, a high reading is fine, just keep taking it until it drops and guess what it does!

Regarding the amlodipine, try and persevere, I am on 10mg as well as ramipril and some beta blockers but they are for tachycardia. The side effects lasted a good couple of months, but now I get the odd swollen ankles from the amlodipine but that's all, it is great medication for high BP.

Good luck!

Shelley321 profile image
Shelley321 in reply to Thecyclist

Exactly as you say, it is linked to severe trauma in pregnancy and having to have BP taken on the hour every hour 24 hours a day, to see if my child was still alive basically. He survived and is 36 now, but it scarred me for life. I had no issues with subsequent pregnancies though.

I was told they couldn't do the 24 hour monitoring during Covid as they can't loan the machines out. I was thrilled....the thoughts of having a monitor strapped to me all the time fills me with absolute terror.

I understand it is just a state of mind, but as the cuff tightens my breathing almost stops and I feel sick.

The nurse said just take the reading and don't worry what it is, but a few times it was so high it didn't register on my home monitor and I honestly almost passed out.

I mentioned that to her and she said oh, the home meters do that sometimes don't worry about it.....all I could think about when it happened was that I was going to have a stroke and die. My poor husband was trying to calm me down and doing everything he could to help, but I just could not even look at the monitor without feeling ill.

Thank you

peter999999999 profile image

you would think they would give you something to calm u down first,then if readings come down its anxiety and u dont need bp meds,but if it does not u do, i wonder how many are on bp drugs and all they have is anxiety,

denobeano profile image

Omg Shelley. I could have written your post ! I have the exact same reaction to a blood pressure cuff. The minute it starts inflating I can feel my heart start pumping and I get so nervous. Whenever I go to the doctor it is very high and now I am anxious to take it at home as well. Wish I could just relax and get over it but I guess that’s now how I am wired. Put on a beta blocker it’s suppose to help with both.BP and anxiety that comes with taking it ! I haven’t taken my BP for a few months. I need to as soon as I get the nerve ! Ha! Whenever it’s high it ruins my day so I am just trying not to think about it and live and enjoy each day. I am 60! And have lots to live for ! Good luck to you !

peter999999999 profile image

ive stopped taking my bp for months. like a lot u can feel fine,take it u get nervous reading high, ruins your day with worry, i find im much calmer not doing it so bp should be ok, you only live once , i see 3 diff docs where i go,1 wants it below 120/80 as if at my age and id fall over,another 140;90 and another says as long as 150/90 up to180 /90 odd as long as no chest pains etc , so there is a wide variety, i go with 100 plus my age so im 173 and under 100 , if its below thats good if not im fine.no use been drugged up to the eyeballs to get numbers down,they are not resolving what is causing it,

AnneSE profile image

I’m glad I’m not alone with anxiety over having my blood pressure taken. I was advised by a doctor to take it twice a day at home for a week every six months. So what I do is sit down with monitor on, read for ten minutes press the button still reading, note down the reading wait another couple of minutes and take another reading. I find the second reading is usually lower and by the end of the week the readings are lower. Another doctor advised having someone else take the readings and write them down and not tell you.

XVZH profile image

Well, a BP wrist cuff will eliminate all your work, super easy functions and records your readings,.......don't stress it is a good thing to know your BP

Shelley321 profile image

Hello everyone, I am just checking back in to update my previous posts.

I have been on Amlodipine 10mg for a couple of months now, but I am having side effects.

I did manage to overcome my anxiety at using the home BP monitor and my BP dropped to 115/70 at its best. The practice nurse said that was great and to just keep taking the tablets!

My problem is that I am still having headaches (but these could be due to sinus issues which I can't separate out) and also at about 5 pm my shoulders, back and neck start to burn. To the extent that I feel that I could fry an egg on there!

The headache is at the back of my head which is where I believe a BP headache usually is?

I also get pain in the face, and on my temples and forehead, which is easier to place as a sinus issue.

The nurse said that the burning wasn't a side effect of the tablets and was quite dismissive of it.

I feel that 10mg is a lot when they weren't sure if the high readings were WCS.

I am unsure what to do. Any advice?

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