Hi been feeling rather low today with slow irregular pulse...tried several times during the day to take my blood pressure on my usual monitor but it just fails to record...has anyone had this experience and know why it happens...could it be AF confused it so it fails to work?
Blood pressure reading: Hi been feeling... - High Blood Pressu...
Blood pressure reading

I have never had this problem, but I do know that AF affects my BP. Maybe you could ask your practice nurse to test your machine against theirs. This what my surgery does then it will put your mind at rest or alert your GP that something is wrong.
Good luck.
When my BPressure started being under 100's- 80/42- (90's/50's) for a week they reduced my medication. That stablized it. Usually happened at night. Making a chart of all of your BP readings at regular intervals noting systoms (light headed, etc.) and medication time taken. Provides your dr with decision information. If you wake in middle of night take your BP. All Drs offices will be willing to match your machine to theirs to check accuracy. Take to your next appt, which should be soon with low Blood Preassure.
I will do as you say. Thanks
Had machine checked ok but still put new batteries in it...my BP is odd in that 158/60 was told by pharmacist that the top number too high bottom figure too low....so don't know if have high or low BP....seeing doc in a week so will ask.
My Doc said 140 to 110 okay for top number 109-100 occasionally ok. Bottom number 80 to 60 (low 50's watch) also type blood pressure into google lots of information there. Personally I get a notable odd/different feeling when I drop to low 100's & below 60's. Weakish. Mine just went from I okay to serious. However, over the last month I have learned the warning signs and some were there I just did not recognize them.
Thank you...with AF too it is difficult....also when you do not see same doctor/nurse difficult to feel you are getting a consistent approach to it...will keep trying sure to get there in the end.
My wife has extremely high blood pressure. Without medication her pressure is often over 300 systolic. We were getting Err 3 on the digital device. Omron said due to pressures over the maximum it could measure which is 280. They provided a digital device which measures pressures over 300 systolic. Seeing the numbers go to 400 was quite a experience. Her pressure was averaging 377/319.