Oh dear: Well last night I decided to... - Lung Conditions C...

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Oh dear

67 Replies

Well last night I decided to go to the beach again on my quad sit on beach for an hour . Unfortunately things didn't turn out that way ! Going down the beach road and wasn't concentrating mind not on what I was doing anything I had a seizure and lost control of the quad it went one way upside down my body went the other but I was still kinda attached to quad still . In short I had my mobile I called for ambulance , popped hospital dislocated my right leg at hip and left shoulder both put back in place in pain but alive . Quad been brought home it survived but think will be saying goodbye to it .

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67 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Oh Davey! What a thing to happen. I hope you make a good recovery and definitely say “goodbye” to the quad. Stay safe and take care xxxxx🙀

in reply to sassy59

I'm ok thanks my own stupid fault should concentrate on what I'm doing but gave me a wake up call about seizures,👍 I'm hobbling around a bit wasn't bad dislocations just popped back In place but could have been far worse .

HungryHufflepuff profile image

Oh dear! What a shock, though I'm glad you're relatively ok. It's sad to say goodbye to the quad but probably a wise decision. Sending you lots of good wishes 🏖️

in reply to HungryHufflepuff

Well it was my own fault my mind was elsewhere so not concentrating on the road and really I should not be in the quad with uncontrolled seizures . But I can admit the fault was mine but yes sad to see it go but for the best ,😢😢😢👍

CDPO16 profile image

A nasty reminder of your health issues Davey. Life is for living but at a gentler pace. Take it easy and give your joints time to heal. xx

in reply to CDPO16

Well yes you are right 😂 but taking it easy won't happen already changed and given my dad his bed bath aswell as changed bedding and washed what I took off his bed 😂😂

madonbrew profile image

Oh no, I’m glad you’re sort of ok and home again soon! Sorry Davey to hear you have to say goodbye to your quad …I can imagine it’s pretty hard giving up your mode of transport, but it is sounding like it’s time. Take care,


in reply to madonbrew

Well I stopped using it a while ago because I wanted to exercise more.by walking but I went down the beach one night on it and then last night I was say here and just decided to go . Big mistake because my mind was elsewhere 😂😂 I paid the price but I'm ok and quad gets early retirement 😂😂😂

helenlw7 profile image

Oh Davey! What bad luck. Just when you were feeling so good. I’m glad your injury’s weren’t too bad and you’re back but, but maybe you need to take it easy today. The quad definitely needs to go!

in reply to helenlw7

I've not stopped this morning changed and given my dad is bed bath changed and washed all his bedding. I'm now taking a break sat outside thinking. Yes quad definitely going 😂

helenlw7 profile image
helenlw7 in reply to

I wish I had your energy - I’ve taken my two dogs for a walk and that’s me done for!

in reply to helenlw7

Not a case of energy it's responsibilities . I take mine seriously because it's my dad's life at the end of the day 😅

helenlw7 profile image
helenlw7 in reply to

Very true

in reply to helenlw7

It's my old school teachings ,😊😊

Suzie42 profile image

So sorry to hear this Dave, but glad your alive and kicking. What a shame as yet another bit of independence slipping away. Xx

Kristicats profile image

Hope you repair well and fully. Must be very painful!

It’s actually against the law here to drive anything with epilepsy so I’m glad your not risking it again. Good luck.

in reply to Kristicats

It's not epilepsy it's damage caused by hypoxia over a two year time period 😅 pain is a state of mind I don't mind so it doesn't matter 🤣🤣🤣 pain let's you know your alive . I'm extremely stiff but I can live with that

Kristicats profile image
Kristicats in reply to

Must be very difficult for you if it comes on with no warning.

in reply to Kristicats

Lasts she's when it comes on

in reply to

Lasts age's damn predicted text and fat fingers ,🤣🤣🤣

Maggie_Mae profile image

Are you doing your Evel Knieval stunts? 😁Oh you must have got an awful fright ,

You will probably be stiff and sore for a while, hoping you wear a helmet, and if it’s bashed well at least saved your head.

in reply to Maggie_Mae

No helmet just a hoody yes extremely stiff causing me to limp a bit but all's good I'll take myself in hand and behave myself and refrain from overdoing stuff

Maggie_Mae profile image
Maggie_Mae in reply to

Think someone needs to take you in hand ! On serious note , it’s easy for us in UK to remember it’s your transport and independence .

in reply to Maggie_Mae

Never been taken in hand struggle to keep myself in hand always relied on my wit , hey I had a new donkey delivered this morning across road maybe he can give me a lift 😂😂😂

Jaybird19 profile image
Jaybird19 in reply to

Love the phrase "had a new donkey delivered " If I were you I wouldn't go any where near it ! Stay on your side of the road.Your accident is more reason for you to get help with your dad.

Take care

in reply to Jaybird19

Well do feel like ok admitted lesions on the brain is one factor but also.maybe stress aswell

Damon1864 profile image

That must have been awful for you Davey, but so pleased you are alright. Please be careful. Have a good day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx

in reply to Damon1864

Will do and thank you 😊

leo60 profile image

Oh Davey! I am glad you are (relatively ) ok, sounds like you were lucky. My dad gets siezures and has been told not to drive, as an ex helicopter test pilot it makes him really cross that he's not allowed to operate something as simple as a car!! I think you need to put the quad out of temptations way, sad to say :(. What's the news on getting some help with your stepfather? Try and take it gently, let yourself heal, and mostly don't let this set back affect your positivity from the last few days :) Take care, xx

in reply to leo60

Rode bikes since 8yrs of age but now admitted defeat 🤣🤣

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to

Sorry, that's hard :( xx

in reply to leo60

Well you deal with these things , usually a good massage works

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to

I hope so 🤞🤞 xx

in reply to leo60

So do I , like getting a Viagra stuck in the throat and having a stiff neck all day

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to

Hhahaha! I'll take your word for that Davey 😂😂 xx

in reply to leo60

Not as I've used Viagra but was told never get one stuck . No wonder my dad could never open his wallet he had one in there 🤣🤣🤣

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to

😂😂 xx

in reply to leo60

Well at 80 don't think much chance of it coming out of the wallet 🤣🤣🤣

in reply to

He made me laugh one night he asked me to bring his wallet in , I took it to him he opened it and after the moths settled he was going through the little pockets looking for a small picture of him when he was young when dinosaur ruled the earth 🤣 he said hey look at that my condom from 1952 I burst out laughing and said keep it ya never know 🤣🤣🤣

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to

Really? My dad got remarried at 79! Bet she regrets it tho' as she now has to chauffeur the grumpy old git around 😂😂 xx

in reply to leo60

🤣🤣🤣 found a way round that tie a rope and hook to my dad's wheelchair first passing motor hook up to the bumper 🤣🤣🤣

in reply to leo60

To be honest if I don't laugh about it I would get angry the quad was nice it got me where I wanted to go

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to

I know :( Best keep laughing then Davey😘😘👍 xx

in reply to leo60

I'll be laughing till I'm dead and I'll Still probably be cracking jokes in my box well if they get the lid down mortician may give me Viagra 🤣🤣🤣🤣

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to

Me too!! 😆😂 xx

in reply to leo60

Best way to look at life 😅😅

leo60 profile image

For sure 👍👍😁😁 xx

I'm glad you're safe and ok.🙏But i say keep the quad and get rid of the seizures. 🤔🤔🤔

in reply to

Would be nice but the damage the hypoxia caused it's left lesions on my brain and heart and that is what causes the seizures

in reply to

Sorry to hear that.

in reply to

It's nasty , hypoxia is very damaging

Too bad humans cannot live pain free and enjoy life.

in reply to

Now that would be nice.

in reply to

Yes it would.

in reply to

But life is not that kind

hypercat54 profile image

Davey behave yourself will you! Are you back in your second home again? It's sad but maybe it is time to say a fond farewell to your quad and bury it with honours. I hope you are on the mend now so please stay safe and recover quickly. x

in reply to hypercat54

Quad is going I've learnt a lesson but it used to get me around to places I wanted to go but couldn't reach by foot it takes me an hour to walk a twenty minutes walk 🤣🤣

hypercat54 profile image
hypercat54 in reply to

Mobility scooter? E-bike E-tricycle x

in reply to hypercat54

Sorry but if I took my wheelchair back to hospital within thirteen week when they said I would never walk again a few years ago I think a mobility scooter would be well it win happen 🤣🤣

HighGables profile image

Sad about the quad, but probably the right decision. Hope the aches and pains clear up quickly. Thankfully no breaks 😄. Take it easy. Jax🐶x

in reply to HighGables

Will do glad about the lack of breaking anything aswell last time I broke my wrist I ended up cutting my cast off two weeks before time because I was going on tour in Germany and couldn't work with it on .🤣🤣🤣

in reply to HighGables

The Greek government as a copy of what I used to do in security which covered everything including close bodyguard work , today I was talking via zoom he lives and works in Athens as a private contractor and advisor in security for the Greek government , nice chap we were chatting he said he had a copy of my security records and said that I had a large resumey then asked if I could use firearms well this rang bells but I wasn't to worry because their sending a group out to Kabul to bring Greeks back to Greece and i flagged up as a possible candidate to repatriate from Kabul

Anybody know if he left group?

Ergendl profile image

Glad to hear you survived this mishap without too many problems. Looks like you won't be joining the boys going to Kabul.

Mavary profile image

Oh my goodness! What are you like. I hope you are ok now?

Snackjack profile image

So sorry to hear what happened to you. Hope you recover soon and as you say retire the quad bike! Best wishes and virtual hugs🤗🤗 please take care. xx

Patk1 profile image

So sorry that yr having to give up yr quad.xxx

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