Oh dear!: I haven't been on for a few... - Lung Conditions C...

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Oh dear!

MoyB profile image
55 Replies

I haven't been on for a few days and am horrified to read about the upset that has led to Littlepom leaving us. I hope she will reconsider as she is such a knowlegable and valued member. We all have our off days and sometimes something written might hit a nerve.

TBH when I found out what had been going on. I thought, 'Oh, no! Not again.'

From time time, people take offence and leave. That is their choice.

My first thought today was to leave as I can't be doing with the agro.

But I would miss so many of you. Each and every one of you has written something that has made a positive impact on me. I am as well as I am because of your posts.

Please, let's get back to being the friendly, supportive group we usually are. We need each other!


Written by
MoyB profile image
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55 Replies
leo60 profile image

Hear hear, m'dear! xx

Morrison10 profile image

I agree, well written. We support each other, and try and hope to be knowledgeable and considerate. Yes we need each other. Best wishes, Jean and Morrison xxx

Mellywelly profile image

Well said 😉

sassy59 profile image

It seems to have been a bit of an upset Moy but hopefully all is well now. I’m sure dear Littlepom will reconsider and return to the fold. This is a very kind and caring forum so nobody needs to leave as support will always be readily given.

Hope you’re doing well Moy and it’s nice to see you. Take care xxx❤️🩷

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to sassy59

She is not coming Back Carole - This half a story from Caspiana. after being requested to contact LP - It reads..

"I did. And received a reply. I won't repeat what was said as that would be futile but I don't see her returning unfortunately. It is a loss especially for the Bronch patients. Having suffered from Bronchiectasis for almost seven decades she knows everything there is to know and any advice was well meaning and she knows that the treatment for COPD and Bronchiectasis is and has always been differently. I don't know why this happens. This forum is a big enough playing field for all in my humble opinion. This makes me sad. But I know disagreements happen sometimes. We are only human. xx 😞


sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Ern007

That’s a real shame Ern but we have to respect Littlepom’s decision unfortunately. I wish she would reconsider but there we are.

Love and hugs, Carole xxx❤️🩷🤗

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to sassy59

Thank you Carole. xxx

Fern27 profile image
Fern27 in reply to Ern007

I have always read her replies to others me included. Littlepom knows what she’s talking about she has great experience. So if someone

has made her leave this Forum shame on them!

She will be a great loss of help😞

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Fern27

Fern 27 - This is the second post identical. Littlepom knows a lot more than me about bronchiectasis I agree -

The posts between myself and Littlepom was about Doctors and consultants. Have you read any of that thread? None of my posts was bad - The very worst was asking her to "stop twisting my words" - Her last post to me was horrid.

I had no wish for her to go to me it was over, I do not believe a spat has attracted all this attention .

Nobody made her leave this forum, people like you and others I think are trying to make me leave, you may well win.

I know she is very ill - So am I.

Bevvy profile image
Bevvy in reply to Ern007

Have just seen your reply Ern007 and as said previously please don’t leave. There is absolutely no need. I have seen that Caspiana made contact and the response. I now think enough is enough and we need to get back to the normal everyday discussions including seeing your paintings and also lovely photos which always brings a smile to my face.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Bevvy

Not sure which reply Bevvy .

Fern26 and others are keeping the pot boiling - One on your thread exactly the same. these are direct attacks on me. eg Fern 26 on this thread, " So if someone has made her leave this Forum shame on them!"

Others like this on your thread. peege bty thinks LP leaving as a "travesty" that was yesterday,

What this is doing is keeping the pot boiling - It is also making it harder for Littlepom to return.

I came on this morning and lots of support - I said to each and everyone I was staying, some really good sorts. Then a post worse that Fern26 . I think LP supporters will never want me on this forum.

I am not touchy just being honest, I don't wish to leave but sick of being blamed I know LP was very ill, so am I.

I have a half finished paining on my easel - for posting tonight, I really could not get into finishing it.

I appreciate your patience Bevvy - I know what moderating is like, I was a joint admin on a world cricket forum, web based like this -Aussie plus English supporter together, not easy ;-)

I still don't know which "reply" you meant.


Bevvy profile image
Bevvy in reply to Ern007

It was where you said that you don’t wish to leave the forum but others are trying to make you ☹️.

Some of the nasty comments I have subsequently seen by others in this thread trying to blame someone is really getting out of hand and not what was intended by my earlier post.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Bevvy

Thank you Bevvy - I am glad someone else has seen.

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to Ern007

Try to ignore posts which seem hostile. It is possible to be a LP supporter and an Ern supporter too- I know- I am one. Just let the fuss die down. Things will be back to normal by this time next week. Flower power-peace and love, man, and some lovely Ern flowers in the offing.🌸🌺🌻🌼🌷 Chris xxx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Alberta56

You are one of the stars Chris xxxx

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to Ern007

Thank you. I hope I am not one of those unstable red giant stars which are going to go bang any time .⭐✨🌟 (They don't do an emoji of a supernova- thoughtless of them.) xxx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Alberta56

LOL no. xxx :-)

battison profile image
battison in reply to Alberta56


Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to Ern007

Hang on in there Ern.we want you here.i feel 4 you,the uncalled for upset you were put thro due to being attacked by LP & the after math since.brush it off Ern, you have enough health probs,dealing with cancer . I hope u can soon get back to your painting xxxxx

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Patk1

I have a half finished painting. I doubt I can post it tonight, but should be OK for tomorrow. Got half my main Easter painting done also ;-)

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to Ern007

No pressure.its done when Yr up to it x

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to Fern27

Noone made her leave.she left of her own accord,as she has before.end of

organiclady profile image
organiclady in reply to Fern27

I do not think someone has “made” her leave and they should not be blamed. she has chosen to leave because someone has said something she didn’t like and we should respect her wishes and her reasons for leaving

someone has said that she did not like

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to sassy59

Glad to see you hanging on in here, Carole. I've finally recovered from a chest infection which followed on from a cold. First infection for over 12 months (apart from COVID in October) thanks to taking regular Azithromycin!

Hope things are ok with you and Pete. xx Moy

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to MoyB

Pleased to hear you’ve recovered from your chest infection Moy and hope all is well with you now.

We’re doing ok thank you and I’m glad Pete takes Azithromycin.

Take care…….Carole xxxx

helenlw7 profile image

I too was thinking of leaving, but I have been on here for a long time and I would miss other peoples sharing of their expertise, the repartees and the off topic conversations.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to helenlw7

Helen. Whay on Earth would you leave ;-)

Issy22 profile image

Nobody should feel like they have to leave or feel upset thinking it was their fault, when somebody leaves the group due to a discussion on a topic.

The diversity of conversations is what makes us all different but it’s that knowledge that brings us all together to support one and other.

I have just joined this group and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate every body’s kindness, support, advice and information. I have just been diagnosed and Iam a complete novice with my illness.

NHS resources in some areas are sometimes limited and patients miss out on valuable information.

If i had not found this group, i would have become very depressed and stayed in bed after looking at google.

Everybody has gone through a journey with their illness and without the lovely people on this forum, expressing their experiences and struggles, the newbie would miss out on that journey of information and vast knowledge. We need you all.

Issy x❤️

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to Issy22

You are so right. xxx

Troilus profile image

Can we just leave this subject alone? What is done is done. Let’s not go back to the old days of a row a day. Time to draw a curtain over it and move on.

Issy22 profile image
Issy22 in reply to Troilus

I was just expressing how important this group is to me.

tomc profile image
tomc in reply to Issy22

I agree, the forum is important to us all.

I like to use humour to take the edge off of things BUT as a Scot, my tittle tattling can be misunderstood.

I will miss littlepom hope you decide to stay.

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to tomc

No worries. Perhaps you should treat us to some Scottish jokes to cheer us up. xxx

tomc profile image
tomc in reply to Alberta56

The police caught two lads round the back of the primary school last night. One was drinking battery acid and the other was eating gunpowder.. They charged one and let the other one off.

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to tomc

Thank you. Some humour at last- just what the doctor ordered. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 xxx

tomc profile image
tomc in reply to Alberta56

A Satish woman was hanging out t her window.

Ahore and cart traded was shouting fresh peas get your fresh peas hear.

The wifey screamed out. " oh peas i've not had one in years.

And the cart man said to his horse " gee up cuddy there`s gonna be a flood!!.

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to tomc


Pachira profile image
Pachira in reply to tomc

I too am a Scot and it always gave me a laugh when people call us feisty and opionated lol. We need a good dose of Billy Connolly right now. Chris

Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to Pachira

You're right, but without the f words please. xxx

tomc profile image
tomc in reply to Pachira

Or, A bottle of whiskey and rose coloured PINK FLOYD

tomc profile image
tomc in reply to Pachira

Sorry, I don`t understand why there is nastiness in this group, to coin a phrase

"We are all in it together.

And this time it is all too well known.

Keep up the lightness and helpful comments that this group was so good at.

Tom 💖

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Troilus

I agree - Some supported are so rude, and have not a clue what was said Look at Fern27 nasty post higher up. she is not the only one - I am quite frankly an getting fed up. Only for the support posts earlier, I would have left - Not really enjoyable on here and wonder will it be again.

Fern27 profile image
Fern27 in reply to Ern007

Sorry Ern didn’t mean to upset you. X

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to Fern27

No worries. not upset as such, I had just seen an almost identical post. i don't hold grudges.x

organiclady profile image
organiclady in reply to Ern007

I agree with you Ern007. I think the whole thing has become a storm in a teacup which happens very easily online.

Ern007 profile image
Ern007 in reply to organiclady


Alberta56 profile image
Alberta56 in reply to Troilus

Hear, hear!!

Troilus profile image

I wasn’t commenting on your post Issy. Sorry if you got that impression.

Issy22 profile image
Issy22 in reply to Troilus

No worries Troilus x

Alberta56 profile image

You're right- onwards and upwards.🌺🌻🌼🌷🌱 xxxx

O2Trees profile image

Good grief - not been on here for a few days and now its kicking off. Hope it calms down, we had enough of it some years ago - dont want to return to that - but in the last couple of years its been so friendly, comradely and helpful on here. A model of how a forum should be.

MoyB profile image
MoyB in reply to O2Trees

Absolitely! Xx Moy

Snowdrops_17 profile image

In any forum there should be mutual respect for each other, be able to share our knowledge and experiences without people taking offence! It happened to me in another forum and I left it! It just wasn't benefiting my mental wellbeing at all! We need to respect each other as our lives, illnesses and circumstances vary! I am sad to read this post! I wish Littlepom well!🙏💖

bikergrove profile image

I agree, the help and information you can get here is worth it's weight in gold.

G1fish profile image

Well said, MoyB. We do need each others support.

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