Round and round, hi!: Ever increasing... - Lung Conditions C...

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Round and round, hi!

m0bnd profile image
29 Replies

Ever increasing/decreasing circles?

Been suffering with coughs for around 3-4 years now. Around 1.5 years ago I was referred to ENT where I was diagnosed with nasal polyps, 1 septoplasty and polypectomy later and I get diagnosed with asthma!!! My symptoms start as a cough, leading to a crackle and wheeze in the throat, following with loss of smell/taste, a cough that just won’t desist - steroid treatment and all clears up, even smell/taste..... for around 2 weeks, then the cough creeps back and then I’m back at square one!!! Getting rather annoyed with lack of progress at the moment.

At least I’m still alive though eh! 👍

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m0bnd profile image
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29 Replies
Badbessie profile image

Obviously no one can diagnose you on here. I was just thinking as your doctor ruled out environmental factors. Is it an allergic reaction to something you come into contact with?Did anything change 4 years ago when the symptoms started.

m0bnd profile image
m0bnd in reply to Badbessie

Hi, thank you for your reply.

I've had two allergy tests since being involved with the ENT department, the first showed no allergies (even to hystamine), so they sent me for a second, which also showed no allergies, again, not even to hystamine.

Enviromental factors - nothing has really changed, I have dogs and allways have, my work even moved me to a different office as I had suggested that maybe the air conditioning in one office was effecting me.

Yesterday I went to our A and E department as I couldn't clear a crackly wheeze that normally goes after a few ventolin puffs or using my Fostair, I was given some I/V steroids and sent on with some Prednosalone steroids for three days to try and clear the 'infection'.

It seems to me that whatever I tell doctors/nurses/consultants, that all they want to do is cure the wheeze but don't want to address the trigger that I have, maybe I'm wrong, but that's the feeling I get.


Leesea profile image
Leesea in reply to m0bnd

Maybe you have an underlying infection!

I take anti histamines at night now and this has helped.


m0bnd profile image
m0bnd in reply to Leesea

Hi, and thanks for the reply.

I've had lots of blood tests when I was admitted to hospital in December, all bloods came back clear. To me, it seems I get 'colds' that have been lasting the last few years! I'm not sure about anti-histamines as, apparently, I'm not even allergic to histamine? This was one of the allergy tests given - the positive sample that I should have reacted to! Weird eh?

I don't doubt though, that I do have an infection, that is what causes my asthma. This is what I think they need to investigate.

Thanks, Andy.

Frin9e profile image

my son started coughing, 3 years ago, no cold or infection just this dry hacking cough! All day and night, lasts about 6 months, he's been coughing since November, waiting for consultant appointment.

m0bnd profile image
m0bnd in reply to Frin9e

Hope you get an appointment soon, the only way that my issues are being sorted was when I was admitted to hospital with my breathing troubles.

Does he get short of breath a lot? We have a Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) here, that's what I used one night. That night they cleared me, the next night I was back again then off to A & E in an ambulance, kept in for 2 days and now under a consultant to be sorted!

Hope he gets better soon and only advice I can give is persist, maybe with A & E or 101?


Frin9e profile image

he gets a pain in his chest, feel like he can't breathe, I was told last year its cough variant asthma, he is symptomatic GPs don't know what else to do! Thanks for reply.

m0bnd profile image

I don't know enough about types of asthma to comment on the 'cough variant'.

Has he been given steroids? I don't know how old your son is but GP's may be reluctant to give due to bone/growth issues, especially when young children are involved.

Sometimes my cough is a dry hacking type, normally in the morning the cough is quite 'wet' with a lot of mucus brought up, this moves to a more drier cough mid day then later it gets a bit better.

I was told by my consultant that asthma is worse in the mornings and early evenings - I had a bad patch where I would be awake very early in the morning with it, and also around 1630 it would manifest again.

I've also coughed myself to damaging the ligaments that hold my ribs, I would get a clicking when I cough, that exacerbates the pain too and not at all nice. I've read and heard people can cough so hard that they break ribs!

Fingers crossed for your son and an early (ish) diagnosis.


Frin9e profile image

he's 15 years old, he's been asthmatic since 6 months old, it was classic asthma, I self managed it, under the guidance of a respiratory nurse, it was well controlled, it was dormant for a few year, I though he'd grown out of it! That's what I waa told be gp, then this cough started! They gave him steroids, a few weeks ago, it seemed less but he still coughed.

m0bnd profile image
m0bnd in reply to Frin9e

At 15 I think he's still developing, what was the dose? I can only imagine it was small and short from what you explain and my experience.

I've had various amounts of steroids, from 3 days (40mg current) to 2 weeks with a withdrawl period. Only the longer periods of steroids ever relieved the cough/phlegm. However after around two weeks of being off the steroids, the cough slowly creeps back!

Frin9e profile image
Frin9e in reply to m0bnd

6 days 40mgs for 2 day then 30 for 2 days then 20 for 2 days, took him to a&e last year, they are like no wheeze no asthma, chest is clear, sat normal, why did you bring him here! I haven't been there since.


m0bnd profile image
m0bnd in reply to Frin9e

That sounds like a good dose to clear it - last dose I had was 40mg for 10 days then stop! Felt awful for about 1 week after!

I have mixed experiences with our A & E. Our local MIU - around 10-15 minutes to triage, then another 10-15 minutes wait then in to nebulise.

A & E yesterday - 1 hour to traige - trage didn't listen to my chest! 30 minutes to being seen by a junior doctor, then a senior doctor about an hour later - inbetween doctors, 1 nurse came to give me I/V steroids to which they asked "do you have a canular in?"!!!!! then a botched left arm attempt to right arm fitting was given the I/V, then a chest x ray, which was, of course clear! We then heard the junior doctor talking to the senior, for him to be told I need a peek flow test to be done - all good there so got sent home with 3 days of steroids. My difference of experiences now leave me no other choice than to go to our local MIU (10 minutes drive) instead of A & E (30 minutes drive).

What I couldn't work out was that from reception to triage, another patient came in after me with a cut to one hand and was seen before me with breathing difficulties? I don't get it!


Frin9e profile image
Frin9e in reply to m0bnd

Andy it crazy you should have been priority, I've had that with my son, someone with toothache seen first, wtf dentist appointment not a&e, why dont they try a breathing treatment, so far my son is on reflux meds, nasal spray,allergy tabs, inhalers and montelukast, still he cough!


m0bnd profile image
m0bnd in reply to Frin9e

Looking back on it I'm really not fussed about being seen later, at the time though it was frustrating!

What is the nasal spray? I'm currently on Flixonaise nasal drops, that was only temporary and is due to finish this week. Then back on Nasonex (mometasone) for life! Also on'Singulair' which is one tablet at night, also for life, and of course the Fostair 100/6 for life! I'm currently suffering with terrible cramps all over, I see that it is a side effect of the Fostair.


Frin9e profile image
Frin9e in reply to m0bnd

beclometasone 50mcg 2 spray each nostril, twice a day, It's different to last year, yesterday and today he feels lite headed too, will you have to stop the nasal spray or change it, are you still coughing?


m0bnd profile image
m0bnd in reply to Frin9e

I will be changing back to the mometasone from the flixonase and that will be forever, something to do with the nasal polyps - another steroid based medicine used in the nostrils - two squirts twice a day in to each nostril. I've asked if post nasal drip is causing the throat problems, that then leads to the asthma, and I've been told 'more than likely-not'. I'm not sure!

Yes, i'm still coughing, and I very much doubt that my 3 days of Prednisolone will stop it either.


Frin9e profile image

all that medication,yet still coughing or can't breathe, that's the bet they can do, I've been looking in to magnesium oil, will try it might help, also zinc vitamin c, have you tried anything else that helped ? Do you have a itchy throat, that make you cough ? His sounds crackly sometimes. Do you cough all year round ? Two lots of steroids last year and it stopped, don't like all the meds, if they worked maybe I would feel different. Hope you'll get better soon 🤞

m0bnd profile image
m0bnd in reply to Frin9e

Funny you mention Magnesium, on my admission to A & E last year, just before I was admitted to a ward, I was given a drip of magnesium - I don't know why though?

Coughing all year round has been with me now for over three years, it's just the intensity that changes, also the amount of green phlegm that goes with it. The last dose of steroids that I had stopped everything, the cough for around two weeks, the sense of smell/taste soon goes after a further 1 to 2 weeks. It then tends to go downhill gradually!

Your son's crackly sounds, sounds like me, I think it's the phlegm that builds up - can he clear and cough it up? What colour is it - mine's always green when ill. It's not nice this, I can only imagine it's probably worse for you with your son being ill.

Hope he gets sorted too.

Frin9e profile image
Frin9e in reply to m0bnd

magnesium help relax the airway, google it might be worth trying it, he doesn't have any phlegm at all, this cough usually comes on in may - June, this year it started in November, it can lead to vomiting, as he coughs so much, it gets worst as the day goes on, reliever inhaler help a little, with the tight feeling in his chest, doesn't touch the cough, sounds like you have an infection, maybe some zinc and vitamin c might help, just a thought, I hope you get it sorted soon, would like to keep in touch.

best wishes Nicola.

m0bnd profile image

Will certainly look it up.

Hope your son gets the attention he so obviously needs.

If I doo have an infection, it will be the same for the last few years - maybe a vitamin thing? Will look it up.

I''ll certainly be watching out for his progress on here. Be persistent with the doctors/hospital and I'm sure he'll get seen soon enough.



Frin9e profile image
Frin9e in reply to m0bnd

Ivy leaf extract reduces and calms troublesome and painful coughing, but does not completely or artificially block the action, either. It also causes thick mucus to become liquified and the respiratory tract to be less constricted. This is important because it allows the individual to readily cough up mucus to make breathing and expectoration easier and less painful. As a result, the urge to cough caused by the excessive production of thick mucus is also reduced. Clinical studies have documented that ivy extract is an effective and extremely well tolerated herbal medicine recommended for respiratory tract disorders, including asthma, in all age groups.

Many popular European formulations that relieve bronchitis, asthma, cough and other respiratory disorders combine ivy with other herbal ingredients to be even more effective. And that’s something I recommend in this case, too.

Along with ivy leaf extract, thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is an effective partner. Compounds in thyme – primarily the phenols thymol and carvacrol – provide its antitussive (preventing and treating a cough), antispasmodic, and expectorant (thinning the mucus to allow for coughing out) actions.

Thyme and ivy are one of the most popular and commonly recommended herbal blends in Europe for dry spasmodic coughs, and due to its overall safety, it is a favorite for treating coughs in children. People who are required to take several medications at the same time can use ivy leaf extract and thyme without concern due to the fact that the medicines are extremely well tolerated and no interactions are yet known, thinking of getting some to try, 🤔

Caspiana profile image

Hello m0bnd .

I can well understand your frustration. Sinus issues seem to be so complicated. I had a septoplasty three years ago and although the issues improved, they are by no means "cured". The otorhinolaryngologist told me very honestly that many a time a septoplasty helps improve drainage and relieves the issues, but is not a complete cure . So now three years later I still have post nasal drip , especially noticeable in winter. I notice it far less during the other seasons. This can cause cough in some people.

Just a thought but GERD and heartburn can also cause chronic coughing. Maybe worth investigating.

I'm so sorry you are suffering so. It really is draining to have health issues that drag on and on. Please do let us know how things go.

Sending warm wishes.

Cas xx 🍀

m0bnd profile image
m0bnd in reply to Caspiana

Hi and thanks for the reply and wishes.

I had a septoplasty purely based on a ‘bent septum’ and as far as I’m aware nothing else. The polypectomy was to remove nasal polyps which, by the time it came to surgery I had been taking steroids so only one polyp was there! I very very rarely suffer with heartburn or reflux so I can’t say that that is an issue. As I’ve said before about post nasal drip, my asthma consultant says it is highly unlikely that it is causing the cough. Seasons don’t affect me either, so many people say I have hay fever in the summer and it makes me laugh as I have all year round hay fever! No streaming eyes though.

The worst thing I was told was this..... I couldn’t get an appointment to see my normal doctor so I saw another, HUGE mistake, she said to me that there was nothing that can be done with my nose/smell/taste/throat as she’d worked in this area and there’s nothing that can be done - needless to say she was reported to the practice manager and I have refused to see her again. Not one other doctor has ever said this, they all give some hope, even if it’s permanent drugs etc....

I’ll update as I three (and last day of steroids) tomorrow, still coughing well with wheezes early/late day and looooaaads of the lovely green stuff 🤢

Keep well.


Caspiana profile image
Caspiana in reply to m0bnd

I'm sorry Andy. I can't imagine having to battle that 365 days a year. 😖 Yes, please do update. Will benefiting for your news.

By the way, I see you have a pupster. 😊😀 What breed is he/ she? I have a corgi. My life line really. 💓xx

m0bnd profile image

Not quite 365 days a year, I get around a two week respite after a big dose of steroids 👍. Yes I have a Beagle, my wife and I have one each! They’re great but can be quite demanding and testing too, my son would like a Corgi but not yet, both he and his girlfriend loves them.

Last day of steroids today, I’m getting the horrible taste back in my mouth that I get normally when on steroids and a very runny nose with bloody mucus so I know they’re working...... just only three days worth isn’t going to shift it this time, so I’ll be back to A&E soon no doubt.

Asthma nurse this Friday so I’ll see what she says and update!

Thanks for the reply and look after the Corgi 🐾🐶🐾

Frin9e profile image

Hi Andy, how are you ? 😀

m0bnd profile image

Hi Nicola.

Thank you for asking.

Currently? I’m ‘okay’ still coughing well, mainly in the morning with loads of phlegm and mucus/snot! The steroids made no real difference as I had originally thought.

Didn’t get to see my asthma nurse last week due to the bloody snow! So waiting for the next appointment.

Yesterday I had a letter from the hospital regarding my heart. I’ve had a 24hr tape monitor, an echocardiogram and all shows no signs of any AF that I had when I was aged 18/19. I now have an appointment to see my GP for a consultation on that - for whatever reason? It still seems like they are treating the symptoms but not the cause, still!!

I’m considering stopping my Fostair for one week as I am sure that it just isn’t doing anything (like the Qvar before).

If they found the source of my throat/phlegm infection, i’m sure I wouldn’t have ‘asthma’!

How’s your son?



m0bnd profile image

Been off the Fostair and Ventolin now for 1 and a half weeks, no change in cough or anything - except for the cramps, they’ve gone completely!

Started taking some anti histamines yesterday so see how it goes.....

m0bnd profile image

Udate on round and round......

I am curently undergoing OH investigations..... This isn't necessarilly the answer, just an investigation.... My problems started approximately 4 years ago, when something at work changed. Will see what they say! Still on Fostair and Mometasone, don't ned Ventolin and haven't for some time. I have had a couple of prednisalone interventions, though. Anti-histamines didn't change anything so that's out! Cramps still continue, I think due to the Fostair. I've recently had a chest CT scan and am awaiting a follow-up respiratory appointment - these results will go to my OH investigations.

Still ongoing, but still alive and kicking!.........


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