Getting a dog: Hi I have copd I am on... - Lung Conditions C...

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Getting a dog

Bettyboop23 profile image
18 Replies

Hi I have copd I am on my own as lost husband 3 yrs ago , I am thinking of getting a small dog like a shihtzu or something that doesn't shed hair I am allergic to birds I was tested for it bout 5 yrs ago

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Bettyboop23 profile image
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18 Replies
stone-UK profile image


As long as you able to cope careing for a pet,with all the walking etc, a dog would be good companion. Go for it.

Annie31 profile image

Shihtzus are wonderful little dogs and would be ideal for you. They are people-loving, loyal, they bask in your company, playful and the ideal thing about them is you do not have to walk them if you don't want to or unable to. They love playing with toys and throwing about to fetch indoors and in the garden is enough. We've had two, girl and a boy over the years - our boy died three years ago and we swore we wouldn't have any more we are seriously considering getting another one! We found the girl was quite the diva but we found our boy to be very obedient, quiet (some are known to be barkers like our girl!). They are great company because this is where they are at their happiest. They do need brushing each day, but you can keep their costs relatively short, most people do. There are always good groomers around to cut their hair. Their upkeep doesn't cost a fortune. We had two Labradors before we had the shihtzus -you have the qualities of a lab in a smaller body! They are wonderful with children as well, both of ours have been with babies.

I don't think you will regret it

Annie31 profile image

I also meant to add that my sister bought one when her husband died because she fell in love with ours and knew one would be company for her. She suffered emphysema, asthma, diabetes, low thyroid so she was not in good health either but it gave her a new lease on life and she actually started walking her little one when she had difficulty getting herself out of the chair prior to that.

Struggling777 profile image

Dogs are the best tonic I think. There is a Shihzu rescue where one of my dog walking friends got hers as she didn't want a puppy. Sounds like the perfect breed for you.

I have a cockerpoo and he doesn't shed although he needs his haircut every six weeks or so -- he needs it doing now. I've been under the weather and not been able to take him so he's looking a bit shaggy!

Good luck in your doggie search.

pollyjj profile image
pollyjj in reply to Struggling777

Hi Crazylazy do you think your doggie salon would collect him if you cant get there, might be worth asking.

take care

polly xx

Struggling777 profile image
Struggling777 in reply to pollyjj

Hi Polly

Thanks for reply. My groomer works from her home so it's a drop off and collect service. X

juney_99_antique profile image
juney_99_antique in reply to Struggling777

Hi Crazylazy, whereabouts is the Shihzu rescue centre you mention in your post? Am looking for small dog and would prefer it to be an older dog! Hoping this would absolutely force me to get more exercise! I miss my daughter's two dogs so much but unfortunately they are in Vancouver and since I came back from there my exercise levels have decreased; in Vancouver I was walking Frank and Charlie twice a day and felt much better for it! Any info you can give me will be much appreciated. Juney

Struggling777 profile image
Struggling777 in reply to juney_99_antique

Hi Juney

The rescue I mentioned is in the uk and I think you may be in Canada?

I think you'll find information online. I have a cockerpoo and I know there are cockerpoo rescues too.

I hope you find a suitable dog. Older dogs need a home so that would be wonderful. Good luck x

juney_99_antique profile image
juney_99_antique in reply to Struggling777

No, I am in the UK, I just seem to visit Vancouver an awful lot as that is where my daughter and dogs live. Thank you for your kind reply though. It has to be an older dog as their need is as much as mine and at least they would end their days with someone who loves them. Will keep looking. Thanks again.

Struggling777 profile image
Struggling777 in reply to juney_99_antique

Try have shihtzu rescues


both worth a try. Good luck Mags x

Struggling777 profile image

Ps my dear dad had copd and lived well into his 90s -- I'm sure he sent my dog to me as it wasn't planned and dad would've loved him to bits.

Pinky2017 profile image

Well An animal can cheer u up . I just lost my motherv3 yrs ago n my children are in new York N California .I have taken care of myself n others practically my entire life. Go for it if u have the energy. There are times I don't have the energy to get out of bed n even eat could be an ordeal so I know I couldn't take care of a pet .or even a plant!! Enjoy. Bijon frise are allergic free dogs . so it would be a safe choice . I had one for 17 yrs. Just make sure u are allergic to pet dander n enjoy

Caspiana profile image

Hello Bettyboop23 .

I understand what you mean. I don't know what my life would be like without my Chom. But like Stone mentioned a dog needs walking, grooming, vet visits etc. If you can manage those then I think that it's a great idea. When I first got my dog I could walk further and with less difficulty. Now it's a bit harder for me but I have help with walking him. I hope it goes well whatever you decide.

Take care.

Cas xx 🐕💜

James48 profile image

Could be very good for you. A few points but not to put you off at all. Do you have a yard or garden because on bad winter nights you don't want to have get all togged up to take the dog out. Also, you have to plan ahead a lot. Can you take the dog everywhere you need to go? Maybe kennel if you plan to go away although many places in UK will take dogs. Vets bills if the dog gets ill? Insurance to avoid big vets bills?

helenlw7 profile image

We got a dog when I retired about18 months ago and it's one of the best decisions we ever made. We have Alfie, a schnoodle. He doesn't shed his hair and doesn't need a lot of long walks. In fact he's quite a lazy dog! He gets me out of the house and meeting different people. If you have a dog everybody speaks to you!

I have grown paast the stage of a dog due to health but I did adopt a cat from the cat protection league best thing I did we give so much to each other.


peege profile image

It's a wonderful thing when you live alone. My Tibetian TerrierxCockerpoo is on my foot as I write. She needs exercise though so a Shitzui or Shitzui cross would be great as they don't need so much exercise. You definitely talk to everyone when you have a dog!

Dogs need socialising probably more than we do. Then there's the cost. Lolls had her booster plus kennel cough jab recently @ £50! Then insurance is £30 monthly. She's due to be neutered soon which will be either £150 or £350 (keyhole) & her back teeth need a clean which means a general anaesthetic (hopefully they'll add it to the neuter op).

Then there's the grooming. Dogs that don't moult have hair that never stops growing (unlike fur). I do it myself, I couldn't afford the £30-£40. And claw trimming. That's before all the training which is essential for a happy, well adjusted pooch & human.

That's all before the flea/tick/worm meds every 3 months.......if I haven't put you off then go for it, I wouldn't be without my little pal.

I'm lucky in that I've some friends who'll look after her when I go away every few weeks - luckier still that they do it for love. I could never put her in a kennel.

A friend of mine has pups, mum Shitzui, dad Bichon Frisse. They're gorgeous. Gloucestershire. They're ready to leave home, don't know if there are any left. All boys (that's another thing to think about, male or female)! 🐶 xx

8405loi profile image

I'm getting a Cavadoddle puppy in 4 wks, I have allergy asthma (pollen) and it's difficult to control. I feel very isolated so getting my Teddy is going to be hard at first (I'm told) but well worth it. 🐶🐶🐶

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