Two Irishmen.: Two Irishmen walking... - Lung Conditions C...

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Two Irishmen.

31 Replies

Two Irishmen walking home after a night at the pub see broken bits of mirror on the pavement. Patrick picks a piece up and looks into and says "I know that face". Paddy takes the piece of mirror and looks into it and says you are so silly "it is me, Paddy".

31 Replies
mustcarryon profile image

That is fantastic.

soulsaver profile image

Badly told, not funny and, most of all, offensive. And not the first example I've seen on this site.

That which is banned on TV, a sackable offence in employment but appears to be tolerated on a charity web site?

Is the site not moderated?

stillmovin profile image
stillmovin in reply to soulsaver

Well said soulsaver.

RibvanRey profile image
RibvanRey in reply to soulsaver

What drivel you post. Your understanding of law in the UK is sadly well wide of the mark. It is not an offence to mention Irish men. Even vain ones who look in mirrors.

Half of Eire's comics regularly appear on British TV making jokes about the Irish.

If you find it offensive then do not read the Humour section.

in reply to soulsaver

Pity I can't post videos on here...I'd find one of Dave Allan that'd make your toes

Bryju124 profile image
Bryju124 in reply to

I live Dave Allen :)

Bryju124 profile image
Bryju124 in reply to Bryju124


in reply to Bryju124

And so do I...!!

RibvanRey profile image
RibvanRey in reply to

I live and I love. :-D

I was also taught English by one a man who went on to be of Dave Allen's script writers for his TV shows.

It is funny that an Irish friend told us this joke but there again he has a sense of humour. I suggest if you have not got a sense of humour do not read the humour section KJJ

soulsaver profile image

Your friend telling you is not promoting it in a public place, still no excuse for him/her either in my opinion. I have a sense of humour. I also have a political awareness, intelligence and a respect for other peoples sensibilities.

in reply to soulsaver

Oh, lighten up...the joke wasn't rude...Oirish people are great ones for telling jokes about themselves...!

Softwabbit profile image

Well, I laughed at the joke as I do on on most of them and I am from both Scottish and Irish my mam taught us to laugh with her jokes and my dad taught us to always to look for the positive in any situation that makes you sad ,and never ever hurt someone Just because you feel like it at the time Now my mam and da were true Soul Savers And I so miss them but they left a legacy to follow

Offcut profile image

Maybe change the type of all jokes to 2 alien Manafradites?

Every Country has it's own source of fun which is usually a neighbour country. it is a way of self propagandise. You may of heard of Banter most of the time it is harmless but the fact is it goes on.

I was told by my Grandma "Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me"

As individuals we have the ability to not read something or turn it off or laugh or cry. But lets not lose that choice of our own decisions!

soulsaver profile image

Well at least some structured argument, rather than personal attacks exhibited in other replies, which goes more to show the type of people who promote these attitudes, hidden behind a thin excuse of 'humour'.

You still think its OK to promote the Irish as thick?

t's racist and its unacceptable anywhere in my opinion, and completely unacceptable on a web site that is partially funded by the tax payer.

soulsaver profile image

Two problems with that, Ribvan: I won't be bullied by the type of person who a) Thinks racist jokes that depict a nationality as a 1970's stereotype are OK. b) Or the type of person who wants to impose their instructions on what I should read.

But it doesn't surprise me that it is the same person.

You are also poorly informed; this wasn't in a 'humour' section.. it was/is in 'Related'.

And if there was a humour section , this wouldn't qualify.

IPFsufferer profile image
IPFsufferer in reply to soulsaver

It is/was in the humour section! Get your fact right!

in reply to soulsaver

You seem very eager to be seen as a victim. You claim to be victim of bullying, victim of a misguided racist attack, and had someone impose on you what you should read, by instruction apparently.

The rest of us just saw an out of date joke that did not really work, and moved on.

Get out more.

For heavens sakes....just leave it...there was no intentional harm caused

soulsaver profile image

IPFsufferer profile image
IPFsufferer in reply to soulsaver

Related is NOT a topic, the Topics are listed below and this is where this was posted. Related is just a system where HU brings together a list of posts, posted anywhere, that have common word factors, in this case "Irish". It has nothing to do as to where the original was posted. So as I pointed out above, there IS a Humour Section, and this was posted in it, WHICH YOU DENIED! A factual inaccuracy.

soulsaver profile image

Intentional or not, harmless it isn't. Unacceptable, it is.

soulsaver profile image

Stree seems to be another that wants to tell me what I am - or what I claim - but is clearly making it up as s/he goes along, but feeling safe in the company of the pack. And is, typically, wide of the mark.

S/he can't be bothered to read the posts, but keen to appraise us of his/her insightful interpretation... and uses the word 'apparently' even when my post shows who made the comment, and where it can be read.

And ends with the usual cliché regurgitated by the ignorant.

Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to soulsaver

I think what has been lost in all this is we all have a choice! Which is diminishing all of the time as someone with a louder voice says so. Do we need to remove all films and TV programs made on or before 1970 because they upset the odd one or two? I do not like cats so should I try and get them all banned! Or allow people that love them keep them? Maybe I should put covers on the ankles of tables as they are to risqué.

Humour by it's nature does nor suite everyone, So why not move on to more important things like helping find cure for the insidious problems many of us are living with daily!

A Turkey was about to cross the road and the chicken by him said "Do not do it you will never hear the last of it!"

Be Well

stillmovin profile image

Does anyone have any jokes about Muslim, Black, Indian, Polish, Lithuanian, etc. people?

C'mon I dare you....


Offcut profile image
Offcut in reply to stillmovin

Muslim, Black, Indian, Polish, Lithuanian and an Irishman said "why do we not get on with each other like human beings should?"

stillmovin profile image
stillmovin in reply to Offcut

HaHaHaHa! Best one yet, Offcut!

Happy 2015 to you and keep laughing.


oops... stillmovin1

Yes, but I would not dare. I have stirred up enough of a hornets nest. Lets draw a line under it. At least I am distracted from be ing poorly. Christmas now seaso of peace andgoodwill. KatieJj

stillmovin profile image

I agree KatieJJ - wish you well and lots of happiness for Christmas and 2015. I think we are all feeling a bit stressed and under the weather.

Keep the funny jokes coming. We all love a laugh.

xx stillmovin1

jeanielee profile image

Well I'm exhausted after reading all that.......peace and love people...peace and love x

stillmovin profile image

And to you jeanielee - and all the folk here! Let's have a happier, healthier 2015 with plenty of laughs too...


PS I know I need things to change this year and I'm definitely not looking forward to my three hosp visits in Jan 2015: one for Lung Function Test, one for Joint Hypermobility Syndrome treatment and finally, last one is for the dreaded results of my chest CT scan from November, which I haven't heard yet!

Best wishes to all.


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