hi i read all the posts hear i am su... - Lung Conditions C...

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hi i read all the posts hear i am surprised no one talks about taking health foods and many things that help i have copd a year now.

hawk5 profile image
52 Replies

anyone interested i like to hear from you. i have had some very good results on some things i been trying.

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hawk5 profile image
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52 Replies
hawk5 profile image

iv been taking barley grass but when i started taking sod its a enzyme from melon its a very powerful stuff my breathing much better and no tightness. also msm its all natural no side effects 3 weeks now i was also reading a very interesting about a enzyme from silk worm? i know mad stuff. but one bloke said his long term copd was cured.

in reply to hawk5

Never heard of them too .. But use barly grass to keep water fountian clean .. How you use them two things mentioned

Cheers all the best :)

in reply to

lol daz you must have a nice clean fountain ;)

in reply to

High maintenance .. Pretty much like women .. Might need to re think water fountain now have lung condition

in reply to

hello google the two and it tells you I did,no harm in trying as we have to help ourselves ,do you eat barley grass or purify water with it,im thinking of barley juice what you drink,bernice,

jeanghost profile image
jeanghost in reply to hawk5


I am always open to new ideas to help my husband who has COPD but there are certain foods that you cannot have when you are on warfarin.

He is also on oxygen 24/7 and has several nosebleeds so we have to be careful.

I am a vegetarian but my husband is not. All the doctors say is eat what you fancy not very helpful!!

Good luck Jean

Lynne1955 profile image

Interesting, but I'm afraid copd cannot e cured, just managed and controlled.

Lynne xx

sassy59 profile image

So true Lynne and good to see you on here by the way. Hope you are doing ok. It is great for people to try things to help manage their condition and good luck to hawk5 with that. I have a job getting Pete to have decaff coffee and tea so would have no luck with health foods. Stubborn or what! Take care all. xxx

Lynne1955 profile image
Lynne1955 in reply to sassy59

I'm fine thanks. I don't post so much and am just recovering from 3 months of really bad illness, including two hospital admissions. Nothing to do with my lungs, but a severe reaction to antibiotics. I would never have dreamed that a reaction like that could make one so very ill.

Lynne xx

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Lynne1955

Glad you are doing better Lynne. Take care and stay well. Carole xx

zube-UK profile image
zube-UK in reply to Lynne1955

Sorry to hear what you have been through with the antibiotics Lynne, three months is a long time. I don't post much either as my dh is very unwell, I am looking after him as well as myself. Hope your recovery goes well and you feel better soon. x

nanaber profile image
nanaber in reply to Lynne1955

Hi Lynn sorry to read you've been I'll.good to see your posting again I miissed your posts hope your feeling better now

knitter profile image

It is a difficult subject as what suits one person wouldn't do for another...

A friend of mine had a very bad allergic reaction when she was sewing silk curtains...so I guess anything to do with silk is no good for her.

rick1 profile image

A positive attitude in what you think is good for you and it helps a lot, mind over mater.

hawk5 profile image

antibioitics just mess you up even more i can speak from experience as i also have a colon problem. people are blind to outer good ways too help themselves. i walk 5 miles aday. remember anything to help kill bugs ect in lungs will help? i can only say what i tried tested. iv had no help from doctors rubbish iv helped myself?

in reply to hawk5

hello,can I ask what level you are with copd,,and have you personally tried the mentioned remedys,carrotts,

in reply to hawk5

hello are you real or a seller of alternative meds,carrotts,,

zube-UK profile image

hawk5 I also take barley grass, grow it and juice it fresh myself and it has helped me lots. also raw green juice every day made from raw kale, cucumber, apple etc.for the natural enzyme it contains. My breathing was very, very bad 5yrs ago but now is much better.

Agree about antibiotics, they are life savers for many but they do mess our gut bacteria as well.

I have lifelong bronchiectasis and had half a lung removed 40yrs ago.

think you are doing well walking 5 miles a day, well done.

hawk5 profile image
hawk5 in reply to zube-UK

hi i was told i had copd for sometime but wasn't seen on X-rays I'm in my 50s now aways been fit it was seen when i was in hospital for a pain in my stomach. the sod enzyme is very interesting its mixed in with my barley grass it was to help my colon problem but found it really helped my chest the msm i was told about it buy a x nurse it helps keep the inside of your body soft elastic its well known. anyway hope may help you.

in reply to hawk5

hello,yes its for colon probs msm and helps with other thinks to,snoring bone pain cystitis, I googled it interesting read,also silk worm I googled that,what stage are you now if you don't mind me asking,if you do that's ok,im moderate,just joined the people on hear,carrotts,

zube-UK profile image
zube-UK in reply to hawk5

It is all interesting hawk, I will read up on it and thanx for your post.

kimmy59 profile image
kimmy59 in reply to zube-UK

I fancy trying juicing, what sort of juicer would you start with cant afford an expensive one, and what veg or fruit would you start with. Sorry bombarding you with questions.

Kim xxx

zube-UK profile image
zube-UK in reply to kimmy59

Hi Kim, I use a masticating juicer most, was lucky got it from a charity shop cheap but you can use any type, even standard blender but best to grate carrots, apples etc before you put them in blender. Add some water or orange juice and then sieve it all, bit of a faf but worth it if you want fresh. Have a look at "Jason Vale" on utube, he explains well.

I always include 1/4 cucumber, a stick celery as these contain potassium, just add 2 apples to begin with. Orange lemon and grape is nice too.

kimmy59 profile image
kimmy59 in reply to zube-UK

Thank you very much.

Kim xxxx

Hello I do give my husband some supplements including serapeptase from silk worms and it does help him. Can really tell when he isn't taking it BUT he still has severe Copd! He also takes coq10 omega 3,6,9. Everyday he takes a probiotic drink. Definitely helps. Take care keep positive and keep looking for things to help! TAD x x

kimmy59 profile image
kimmy59 in reply to

Hello Tad where do get your supplements from, so many places hard to know what to choose are they ok with your medication I take seretide and spirva and just started strontium for my bones. But I wouldn't mind taking a few supplements.


in reply to kimmy59

I use seventh wave and body kind - both online x x

kimmy59 profile image
kimmy59 in reply to

Thank you very much.

Kim xxxx

Riverfrog profile image

Hello, I am very interested to hear about foods or supplements that can kelp to slow the develpoement of COPD.

I take propiotics, barley grass, antioxidents and omega 3 as I understand this will help the immune system but what about something specifically to aid the lungs.

Hawk5 could you explain the sod, is that the name of the supplement, do you buy it online?

Good for you to start this thread, it is up to us to help ourselves as much as we can.

in reply to Riverfrog

hello,ive just bought lung and bronchial tabs from dr christphers meds online.ingredients are.wildcrafted mellow root,wildcrafted mullein leaf,lungwort herb,organic and wildcrafted,chikweed herb,wildcrafted lobelia herb root,wildcrafted pleurisy root,,100 caps at 425mg each take 2 daily,nly started them 2 day,i take propiotics to,,bernice

in reply to Riverfrog

google what is sod for health wise Bernice,

stilltruckin profile image
stilltruckin in reply to

That would be Superoxide dismutase.

in reply to stilltruckin

hello stilltrukin,ye have you tried it bernice

stilltruckin profile image
stilltruckin in reply to

No, but I'm going to look into it . . . lef.org/magazine/mag2006/ju...

Hitchcock profile image

I drink a cup of green tea, with honey, in the AM and late afternoon. Also, a bowl of oatmeal with ground cinnamon and honey in the AM. I also walk 3 miles a day. I've had a great improvement in my COPD and energy level.

in reply to Hitchcock

hello ,I work so that's my walking done,green tea no, tried it but no,keep to my typhoo,cinnamon and honey yes I will try it,bernice,

Riverfrog profile image

Hi Carrotts and Hitchcock, The dr christphers meds sounds like the sort of thing I am looking for, had a quick look it seems to be in the states, do you know of a supplier in Europe?

Green tea and the walking sounds like a good thing too, must make the effort to walk more.

in reply to Riverfrog

hello I got mine from usa don't no about Europe,it came after 6days,bernice,ps had 2 caps am still hear,

in reply to Riverfrog

hello go to dr chris,s site loads on there for all complaints,bernice

Hitchcock profile image
Hitchcock in reply to Riverfrog

Green tea will give you energy and enhance your walking. Walking and breathing deeply (pursed lips) are key elements. Do you have a pulse oximeter to monitor your oxygen sat level and heart rate? If not, get one. Keep in mind, they lose their accuracy in cool temperatures, so don't freak out. Try to walk for at least 30 minutes. Speed does not matter. Keep oxygen sat at 90% or better. If you go uphill a bit, it may dip below 90. That's ok. When the road levels monitor back to 90. As your legs grow stronger, you will notice more bounce in your step, better oxygen levels, and a better mental outlook.

in reply to Hitchcock

hello so back on with green tea then.my oxy is 98 99.i have a finger monitor use it not a lot but use it,as im not being ruled by it,the walk I will do ,I run as well,feel better when ive ran,for the bus,dont get breathless either,mental attitude is well girl youhave it get on with life,glad but sad others have lung disease ,glad as least others understand and sad they have diseases.any more tips are welcome,bernice,ps what is barley grass ,I will google it,

in reply to Hitchcock

hello,just done the walk over an hour,was good rain and wind was ok,but I have always liked winter,had a run threw the valley was good ,stopped to get green tea at store,oxygen still 99,nice 1,bernice

Hitchcock profile image
Hitchcock in reply to


in reply to Hitchcock

hello,felt better for it,have angina but so what,had a bath when got back and eat,listening to celine d now my heart will go on,then bed ,any more tips pass them threw,bernice,

in reply to Hitchcock

hello,walked all the way from work,was slight breathless but ok,kept of the rds as the fumes from traffic is minging,

Hitchcock profile image
Hitchcock in reply to

Way to go! Just got in from my 3 miler. Pushed up the hills and dropped by O2 to 87 a few times. When the road leveled out, it popped back to 90 plus. This is equivalent to what is called interval training.

in reply to Hitchcock

hello,thanks,when I run o2 is 97.but go back to 98 99,pulse is 85 86 is that ok pulse,disease is the err but so long as oxy is ok can live with that,

stilltruckin profile image

This site has interesting comprehensive information on COPD, treatments and supplements . . .


in reply to stilltruckin

hello thank you,bernice

Riverfrog profile image
Riverfrog in reply to stilltruckin

Stilltruckin, Thank you for the link, it is exactly what I was looking for. I must say Life Extension have given us a lot of good information there. I do wonder why ( certainly in my case) the specialists do not mention or suggest any of these supplements and medicines. It seems to be a case of ; lung function test, note your level of copd, check inhalers and review again in one year.!

Hitchcock, I do not have a " pulse oximeter to monitor your oxygen sat level and heart rate" I will google it, thanks.

in reply to Riverfrog

hello,it seems we have to help ourselves ,I bought oximeter of amazon,21 pound but don't check it much as not to be ruled by it,just had hrs run and walk,oxy 99,must have had copd ages and went out in all weathers so why stop now,just take care more of the ellemants.bernice,

Azure_Sky profile image

What I would like to know is where to get silkworms, do you cook them first or eat them raw?

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