I would love input, suggestions
Thank you
I would love input, suggestions
Thank you
This is a blog I wrote a while ago on the subject of AFib that you might find interesting .... peterjemmett.blogspot.com/2...
Hi I use ifaw I am in afib proximal I think. Up until recently,my blood pressure monitor would indicate no afib every two weeks and now every two days. Afib does not bother me with symptoms , it creates fear of blood clots. I have had this since 2021. Recently, I started ingesting walnuts prepared in a blender due to my teeth situation and I figure that the walnuts omega 3 are improving the outlook. I resist fish oil intake for I read that it could cause afib...when the b.ood pressure monitor in d icates no afib,I guess that means at the moment of testing but I do not know if the absence of afib lasts a minute or longer. I do not take anticoagulants. I hope to get over this issue soon. The only medication that I take is hydrochlorothiazide. I wish you well