I didn't know I was having a heart attack (I am a nurse!!!) I carried on working for 4 days doing 12hr night shifts with what I thought was a trapped nerve in my left arm. I had no other symptoms other than an uncomfortable arm. I got a colleague to do some bloods and found out that my troponin was greater than 50,000. This was obviously a massive shock and ended up having an angio and stent and being told I need a triple bypass.
The only risk factor I have is a very strong family history of heart disease grandad was in the SAS and died at 50 from heart attack and my father was in the parachute regiment and had a bypass in his 50's.
I have been re-admitted 3 times since the beginning of February. I have never experienced chest pain. The only symptoms have been a stitch pain behind my shoulder blade on the right side, I have be told that I have a pericarditis and Dressler's syndrome.
I am not due to see the surgeon until the 25th March and feel like a ticking time bomb and unsure whether this constant ache in my shoulder is heart related on not and never know to take GTN or not as it doesn't seem to change anything. Re- assurance and advice needed as I put everything down to muscular pain !! many thanks