Hello everyone. I've just signed up and wondered if anyone felt this way. I had an unexplained heart attack 2010 had angiogram no scents over the years several treadmill tests and just before Xmas I had profusion scan. All results came back normal. I have a normal healthy heart no coronary heart disease or furring of the arteries. However 2 weeks ago I was in a meeting. In my life never been so angry. Injustice. Etc. I got chest pain. Long story short. 3 heart attacks. In high dependency. Echo cardio normal ecgs normal triponin up to 300 down to 51 on discharge. Thought possible coronary spasm but not sure. Sent home. 6week wait for angio. Told not to do anything 5 minute walk. I am completely on my own no family in my country few friends as I live in an isolated area. I am beyond terrified . I'm getting no cardiac support or rehab until the angio till they know what's wrong. So I'm in LIMBO frighten anxious depressed. Trying to remain positive. Get a pain is it reflux is it angina is it a trapped nerve. Scared to go to bed sleep. It's a nightmare. Anyone advise???? X
Limbo: Hello everyone. I've just signed... - British Heart Fou...

speak to the cardiac nurses on the British heart Foundation. Here’s what their website says:
Call 0808 802 1234 (freephone). Our Helpline is open weekdays 9am to 5pm*.
As you probably know from the news, the NHS is under great stress and waiting times are long.
Thank you I will look it up x

I have lived with vasospastic angina for nearly 13 years.
My coronary arteries go into transient constrictions causing a lack of blood supply to my heart muscle.
A severe prolonged coronary vasospasm can cause a heart attack.
Known as a myocardial infarction non obstructive coronary arteries MINOCA.
I experience most of my angina at rest especially during the night .
However the cold, emotional, mental or physical stress will trigger my coronary vasospasms.
Vasospastic angina is difficult to diagnose. Most of the tests are designed to detect obstructive coronary artery disease, rather than vasospastic angina.
My vasospastic angina was confirmed by a functional angiogram with acetylcholine, all my other tests were normal.
I acknowledge how frightening and bewildering it can be when you are uncertain about what's causing your symptoms.
This feeling can be amplified when you have experienced a rarer, less well understood cause of a heart attack
Living with vasospastic angina is learning to live with uncertainty.
I have to manage my stress. Perhaps while you are waiting for further tests you could take the opportunity to find other ways to lower your stress levels?
I practice breathing and relaxation techniques, Tai Chi, yoga and Mindfulness meditation.
I found this free app helpful.
The BHF has this information about vasospastic angina.
This article was loaded onto my electronic patient records by my Cardiologist.
Vasospastic angina is a rare condition and you may find you are offered inappropriate information or advice from people who have obstructive coronary artery disease and stents.
We're different!
An older term for vasospastic angina is variant angina for good reason.
Hello. Just read your post. When you had your 1st heart attack who said you had one and why? If you have one an artery or more are blocked and an angiogram is the only way they can repair and insert stents. So veey confusing? Who told you you had 3 heart attacks this last episode? They would have followed the same procedure. Stress does not help and I do breathing exercises and I walk. Not far on the flat...no hills and breathe. If you are really concerned book a private appt at your nearest hospital and see their best cardiologist. I had to and its the best thing I ever did. Good luck
It is possible to have symptoms which "mimic" those of a myocardial infarct but without any blockage or arterial obstruction
Both MINOCA and Takotsubo Syndrome can be misdiagnosed or mistaken for MI but happen in the absence of obviously obstructed arteries - stents do nothing to help either of these conditions and if a person has vascular spasm (see Milkfairy's response) stents can make things worse
Did they give you a diagnosis? I had a type 2 myocardial infarction had no blockages or plaque on my arteries. Mine was caused by high blood pressure.
hi - I am so sorry to hear this . What a terrible sequence of events . I had a cardiac arrest / heart block and have cardiovascular disease , the latter recently diagnosed after cardio ct scan with contrast dye . I would speak to gp and the bh nurses too. They are a font of knowledge and advice and maybe able to suggest a befriending service given your isolation .I know that the ct scan and angio gave them all the information they needed to plan my treatment. So whilst waiting six weeks is a long time - best to wait for these tests the bh telephone advice line is very very helpful too . Wishing you all the best
As well as MINOCA and vascular spasm, as outlined by Milkfairy , it is possible that you may have had one or more episodes of Takotsubo Syndrome - this can be difficult to diagnose after the event as it does not always leave the same sort of "scarring " as an MI and can happen where arteries are clear or "furred"
There is more information about this here: takotsubo.net/
I’ve just been got of hospital . Was in for five days . I thought my troponin levels were high st 44 . I woke up unable to breathe at home and collapsed and was out cold for about a minute my husband said , I came around drenched in sweat and panting . Same as you I had an echo, MRI and scan . There was slight scarring on my heart but nothing to worry about they said . I have just finished wearing heart moniter for 7 days so am awaiting results . I too am waiting for an angiogram . They said no signs of damage or heart attack so I don’t know what it is . Any little palpitation or pain or breathlessness I’m thinking all sorts like am I imagining it . Hope you get sorted soon, take care x
You know how I feel and vice versa. I was told and I suspect you have the same coronary spasm it's common in woman especially post menopause. I don't know how old you are. Mind was brought on acute stress at a tribunal. Did they have uou on a gtn profusion scan? I'm on asprin clopidogrel. Ramapril and now gtn in tablet form ? X
I’m 64 . They’ve put me on bisoprolol and statins as my cholesterol was raised o also have an under active thyroid so I’m on 50mg of levothyroxine . I was in shock from being told I can’t drive for six months which is a bummer as my husband had a stroke a year and a half ago and he can’t drive either , so I didn’t ask what my cholesterol level was . Did you ever have symptoms of waking up breathless . I’ve had it before but never fainted with it . It happened so rarely thst I didn’t report it to docs . My poor husband thought I had kicked the bucket . He has aphasia so finds communication difficult especially under stress but luckily my son was there to ring an ambulance . It’s funny in two years how your life can change in the blink of an eye
Yes I have had the breathless waking twice last night. X
Scary isn’t it . One minute I was on the side of the bed gasping for air and the next I woke up on the floor dripping in sweat .
I'm completely alone too. No family in this country. No friends nearby. But I think to he honest I'm going to stop reading some of the posts. Because everyone is different every test is different this just adds to the anxiety. Worst time for me is now. Nighttime when it's dark x
Same . I keep thinking I have a pain on my left side at the moment . I’m also paranoid I’m going to wake up unable to breathe again it’s horrible . Take care sometimes it helps to talk .
I'm happy to chat to you because I think we have the same thing. Be interesting to see what the out come is? X
Yes I’ll keep you posted with heart monitor results and angiogram results whenever the appointment comes through and hope you get a clearer picture of what’s going on with you . I’m feeling anxious about going back to work this Thursday too as I work with special needs children which can me mentally and physically draining . Take care
Angelwhispers Jackiesmith7777
Coronary vasospasms, vasospastic angina occurs in both men and women. The classic symptom is chest pain at rest, especially during the night. Usually treated with calcium channel blockers and nitrates.
Microvascular angina tends to effect women around the time of the menopause.
The common symptom can be breathlessness and chest pain on exertion.
Microvascular and vasospastic angina are types of angina/ ischaemia non obstructive coronary arteries ANOCA/INOCA.
Unfortunately microvascular and vasospastic angina are not well understood by even Cardiologists and this can lead to a great deal of confusion, misdiagnosis and incorrect treatment.
This website was created by four patients with over 60 years experience of living with microvascular or vasospastic angina. They are supported by over 30 world expert Cardiologists.
It's listed as a resource in the BHF 'Understanding Angina ' booklet.
I was originally misdiagnosed with microvascular angina, prescribed beta blockers which lead me to be admitted to hospital with unstable angina.
I was later diagnosed with vasospastic angina after a specialised angiogram.
I also learned that beta blockers should be used with caution, if you have coronary vasospasms, vasospastic angina.
Hi there . I am sorry you feel so low with having no proper support. However all the invasive and non-invasive tests in the past and present are normal. Apart from the high troponin level which indicated you had some heart muscle damage and good to know it's comong down. I thing it's important to know HDL/LDL cholesterol ratio and fasting triglyderides . I hope this small advice helps.
Angelwhispers you are not alone. I am also new to the group and the posts have taken the anxiety of expecting the worst. I am typing this as I lay in hospital going through tests and being closely monitored. I am currently waiting for an aortic valve replacement which may take place as late as June. Sorry to hear that you are not getting any support. I am sure someone from the group has suggestions. I am impressed by their responses. Best of luck.