Hi everyone, I'm a newbie on here! I just wondered if anyone else has LBBB and if they have had scans and tests and that have all come back normal with no heart problems or coronary artery disease? This has happened with me and I'm now left wondering what caused my LBBB and what happens now?? Feeling scared by it all as I believe it doesn't go away. I take high BP meds and heart meds. Just wish I could get some answers as I feel completely baffled by it all!
Left bundle branch block: Hi everyone... - British Heart Fou...
Left bundle branch block

Diagnosed recently but I as i get copies of old ECGs, from years ago, it seems i had it many years before my heart attack and maybe for life. There are some medications i had to stop taking immediately and i have to tell doctors, dentists, hospitals and the chemist i have the LBBB as some other medications are best avoided. It did not stop anything, when i did know i had it, and now the only impact is the restricted medication. I am still losing weight and increasing my training plan.

Hi Witherndale,
Thanks for your response. So sorry to hear you have had a heart attack, was that before you knew about the LBBB? Did you always have LBBB and have only just found out about it? I wonder if that is what has been what has happened with me I'm not sure as I only found out about my LBBB via a Dr via a phone call from the hospital! I wish they would provide us with more information on this strange thing, as I feel like I'm in the dark with all this, not sure if you feel the same? Thanks again for replying and take care
Best wishes
Shell x
Hi Shell,
seems i had my LBBB many years and maybe for life, The heart attack was sometime in 2016 but it was only found in an annual check in 2017 (Which is when i was told i had LBBB). I now have a copy of an ECG and report from 2012. it mentions BBG but that did not mean anything to me at the time, i now know it is the French abbreviation for LBBB.
I probably don't know any more than you do but i built a trust with my cardiologist and the other doctors who treat me. I have a yearly check and my cardiologist is happy i am stable.

Didn't realise you had to mention this to medical professionals. I had to get gas and air for a dental procedure not too long ago and never thought to mention this. Only side effect was a painful headache for a day or so. Will bear this in mind in future
Hi shellby69. I know how confusing this is for you. I, too, was diagnosed with LBBB when I finally had my first EKG done about 15 years ago. I probably had it much longer than that, but never had an EKG before. I was completely shocked! Subsequent tests showed no heart disease. I was told to come back every few months for followups. Then, I moved to another State, and still haven't found a new Cardiologist yet. They wanted to do a Thallium Stress Test, but I refused. That test scares the heck out of me. I was wondering, what tests/scans did you have?
Hi Tmar4949, Not sure what a Thallium stress test is and have never been offered one. The tests I've had are MRI, CT angiogram, echocardiogram. All have come back fine! So still no wiser how I've got the LBBB as I never seemed to have it before?! Still haven't seen my cardiologist to speak to since I was in hospital in January this year! Thanks for replying and Hope your doing well?
Best wishes
Shell x
Hi Shelley. I discovered by chance I had LBBB on my ECG results approx two years ago. My consultant thought I had angina but ruled this out and told me I had a heart defect and they would review the matter in a few years time and then sent me for an ECG and this is how I found out. I had previously been sent for a MRI where the heart rate was speeded up and they discovered a heart defect. I wasn't given any meds for this and also experience ectopic heartbeats. Sort of got used to them now but at the start didn't know what was going on.
Hi Michdev
Thanks for replying. I know what you mean the strange heartbeats are weird and I tend to get them more at night, or at least I'm more aware of them when I'm in bed at night. I'm sure they also wake me up sometimes?! Take care and hope your doing Ok.
Best wishes
Shell x
I had a massive panic attack 5 years ago and thought I was having a heart attack as did the paramedics but after 3 ecgs and blood tests they found that I had a LBBB.
I had lots of tests later on- angio, echocardiogram and 24hr monitor etc and it came back with it just being the LBBB and I was left to it.
I was called back for a 2yr check at the beginning of the year and was sent for an mri.
They have discovered that i have lost 25% of my heart function and now I have heart failiure.
It shocked the hell out of me but with meds and support from here and from my heart failiure nurse and cardiologist, I should go on to have a long life if managed correctly.
I have two little girls and I am a huge worrier and thought it was the end of me or at least a limited life but I have been reassured that I could be just fine.
This doesn’t mean it will happen to you, just wanted to share my experience of a LBBB.
Here to chat if you are concerned x

Thanks for your reply Natchid
Wow that must of been scary for you! sounds awful. That's what I am scared of the LBBB causing problems and whether I should be exercising and still taking the meds they have given me. Would love to know what caused the LBBB in the first place though, guess I may never know?!
Thanks again for your reply and would be nice to keep in touch with you Natchid. Hope your doing ok?
Best wishes
Shell x
Hi Shell,
My nurse said it could have been anyrhing that caused it, like a virus maybe. Its annoying not knowing but I would definitely carry on taking the meds if they agree with you.
Hope you are well xx
Hi Serg, Thanks for replying. 22 years is a long time to have LBBB, does it ever go away, or is it for life? I never knew about it until I had an ECG and was sent to hospital and it was only afterwards that a Dr let slip I had LBBB?! My main concern is exercise and if it will be ok to? and what exercises can I do? Am scared to put too much pressure on my heart as it started with breathlessness when I was exercising and palpitations came afterwards. Wish someone would say what you can and can't do whilst having LBBB. Hope your doing ok yourself.
Best wishes
Shell x
Shellby69: Regarding your concerns about exercise, you should ask your Cardiologist. Each person is different.
Hi just lately again they start even sitting doing nothing watching TV you sometimes feel a little breathless because of this. I don't even think my consultant was aware of this because the ECG was done after my initial consultation and I discovered myself on the ECG LBBB. Read other people's experiences on here and most of them were told not to worry just try and ignore them practically. Sometimes easier said than done. Hope you are keeping OK too.
Just wondering how you have been encase I have missed any of your posts. I received a letter to attend hospital next week for the tread mill test and was advised the whole appointment could last up to an hour. Did this before and was left feeling very breathless. If it gets too much I will have to ask to stop. Apparently you are advised of the results the same day. Can't see that happening though.