I've been doing more weights, press ups and planks last couple of weeks. This has coincided with short sharp pain in the sternum when lifting or stretching. I had open heart surgery 18 months ago for mitral valve replacement. I'm wondering if these short sharp pain in sternum something to be concerned about, or will this heal over time.
Short sharp sternum pain related to w... - British Heart Fou...
Short sharp sternum pain related to weight lifts/gym after open heart surgery 18 months ago

Hi, I had the same op as you in June ‘23. My sternum still regularly twinges and feels sore if I’ve over done it - in any way. Think it’s my body’s way of gently reminding me of who’s in charge! ❤️🩹
It's possibly your body telling you that the exercise and weight training you are doing isn't something it can cope with just yet , even if your op was 18 months ago.Try not doing those for a few weeks and choose exercises that don't cause over straining and pressure in the sternum area instead. If the pain doesn't occur your body will have proved that it was the exercise type which was causing you the problem.
Don't try to push through it if that is the case , doing that won't mean that eventually you'll get stronger and the pain won't happen , it is more likely that it will cause more strain and the pain will be worse.
Hi Samsoncat, I had quadruple bypass surgery July 2023 following nstemi heart attack. Surgeon told my that it would take me longer than their usual patients to heal as he had to cut through a lot of string healthy bone and chest muscle. He said that he could tell that I’d kept myself fit and strong but the knitting back together would take longer for nerve endings to heal. My sternum /chest ached and felt tight for well over a year. I started some weights but was never confident of going back to heavy lifting . I work physically round my smallholding , feed bags , heavy wheelbarrowing , labouring with a shovel , tractor implements , haying, moving bales ., chainsawing. I had constant reminders from chest/sternum. I started swimming in December and this has really helped ! It has broken down the scar tissue and and I no longer have any feed back in that area . I’m chuffed with that 👍🏻. You might have some residual scar tissue , I’m sure you’ll know the if it’s an injury or you’ve disturbed the sternum by the type of pain. If in doubt , get it checked it out 👍🏻
I had a quad bypass in 2022 and was able to bench press up to 50kg after 12 months. Lots of aches and pains at various times and did have one small chest injury after ripping forehands playing tennis! Recovery from such a major op definitely isn't a straight line - muscles, bones, nerves and tendons need time to heal and deal with the inevitable scar tissue. Things that worked for me:
1. Pay close attention to discomfort vs actual pain. If pain take it back a notch. Take long term improvement over shorter, risky gains.
2. Warm up, warm up, warm up.
3. Make sure to include adequate rest and recovery because that's where the improvement happens.
4. Have a balanced workout where you exercise the back muscles as well. This will keep your posture aligned and keep the chest 'open' and shoulders back.
Hope this helps. All the best and keep at it!
I was weight training again nine months after surgery, nearly 23 years ago. I still have occasional sternum sharp pains, particularly when I do certain exercise which involve chest work and /or arm "widening". I put this down to the wires used to put me together again!
I would say 18 months is more than a long enough period for full healing, except that the wires are permanent!
My OHS was about 18 months ago too, and I still get occasional aches and pains doing push ups, planks etc. I don't let it worry me and find it fades faster when I ignore it. It's not surprising, just annoying!
I’m currently in cardiac rehab, 5 months post double valve job. Of the upper body workout equipment, I find the rowing machine to produce the fewest twinges. Free weights are probably the worst, so I need to learn to dial those down a bit. I’ve even been toying with the idea of getting a rowing machine for home….
Sounds like it could be Costochondritis. I get this with various different exercises that work my chest. My conclusion is that the damage done by my OHS in 2020 has made me more susceptible to it.
It usually passes after a week or two.