Serum total cholesterol is 7.0 mmol/LHDL Cholesterol is 3.56 mmol/L
Serum triglycerides is 1.09 mmol/L
I've had a mini stroke 20 years ago.
Are these results dangerously high?
Serum total cholesterol is 7.0 mmol/LHDL Cholesterol is 3.56 mmol/L
Serum triglycerides is 1.09 mmol/L
I've had a mini stroke 20 years ago.
Are these results dangerously high?
What were the results for LDL and HDL separately.The total is high but this does make a difference.
Are you already eating a balanced diet or taking a medication like statins to help reduce things.
Whatever the result , cholesterol can be reduced by making diet and life style changes or taking medication if you don't get lower results from diet alone pretty simply .
That then reduces the risks for future heart or stroke issues that high cholesterol can cause to those of the general population.
I don't know if this will helpHDL 3.56
Triglycerides 1.09
My statins were stopped for some unknown reason and have been unable to get F/F appt with GP since last year but now have appt with nurse 're results
I assume they need to start your statin again.If you can't speak to the GP you can ask the receptionist to put in a prescription request to the GP for you asking to go back on your statin after recent results, or ask the Nurse to sort out a prescription for you while you are at an appointment with her.
They can easily go through to the GP and ask them to sort it out.
Do you have your LDL result as well ?
In addition to the medication you may well need and which you appear to have in hand, have you taken on board all the lifestyle measures that are usually recommended such as diet, exercise, smoking, alcohol and body weight management which might not be as effective as medication, but it all helps. And to answer your question your current results are not dangerously high in my laymans view but could do with improvement. More here