I was diagnosed with permanent AFib in November 2024 following a chest infection. Currently, my medication is Apixaban 5mg twice a day, Bisoprolol 5mg once a day and Amlodipine 5mg twice a day. Due to the side effects of Bisoprolol I take that in the evening.
I had a cardiology referral a couple of weeks ago and was advised to add in Digoxin 125mcg once a day. Having read up about this old school drug I can’t say that I’m happy taking it because of the common side effects which are similar to Bisoprolol and I appear to be super sensitive to these cardiac drugs.
Is there anyone who takes Digoxin and, if so, have you experienced adverse side effects and what time of day is best to take it? I’m tempted to take it in the evening to try and sleep through the worst of the side effects unless insomnia is one of them!
I’d be grateful to hear of your experiences.